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Print scope window to MATLAB figure

Since R2023b


printToFigure(scope) prints the display window of the scope object to a new MATLAB® figure. The figure is visible by default.


fig = printToFigure(scope) prints the display window of the scope object to a new MATLAB figure and returns the handle to the figure.


fig = printToFigure(scope,Visible=flag) shows or hides the MATLAB figure.


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Use the printToFigure function to print the spectrumAnalyzer object display window to a new MATLAB® figure.

Generate a chirp signal and use the spectrumAnalyzer object to display the spectrum of the chirp.

chirp = dsp.Chirp(SweepDirection="Bidirectional", ...
    TargetFrequency=2000, ...
    TargetTime=400, ...
    SweepTime=400, ...
    SamplesPerFrame=1024, ...
scope = spectrumAnalyzer(AveragingMethod="exponential",...

Print the display of the chirp spectrum to a new MATLAB figure. The function returns a handle to the figure.

scopeFig = printToFigure(scope);

The handle to the figure scopeFig lets you modify the appearance and the behavior of the figure window.

Specify a figure name and change the size of the figure to 400-by-250 pixels.

scopeFig.Name="Spectrum of Chirp Signal";
scopeFig.Position=[1 1 400 250];

When printing to figure, you can make the figure invisible by setting the Visible argument to false.

scopeFig = printToFigure(scope,Visible=false);

Use the printToFigure function to print the dsp.ArrayPlot object display window to a new MATLAB® figure.

Create a dsp.ArrayPlot object.


Set ArrayPlot properties to display a Gaussian distribution.

scope.YLimits = [-0.1 1.1];
scope.XOffset = -2.5;
scope.SampleIncrement = 0.1;
scope.Title = "Gaussian distribution";
scope.XLabel = "X";
scope.YLabel = "f(X)";

Plot the Gaussian distribution.

scope(exp(-(-2.5:.1:2.5) .* (-2.5:.1:2.5))');

Print the display of the Gaussian distribution to a new MATLAB figure. The function returns a handle to the figure.

scopeFig = printToFigure(scope);

The handle to the figure scopeFig lets you modify the appearance and the behavior of the figure window.

Specify a figure name and change the size of the figure to 400-by-250 pixels.

scopeFig.Name="Gaussian Distribution";
scopeFig.Position=[1 1 400 250];

When printing to figure, you can make the figure invisible by setting the Visible argument to false.

scopeFig = printToFigure(scope,Visible=false);

Use the printToFigure function to print the timescope object display window to a new MATLAB® figure.

View a sine wave on the Time Scope.

f = 100;
fs = 1000;
swv = sin(2.*pi.*f.*(0:1/fs:1-1/fs)).';
scope = timescope(SampleRate=fs,...
    TimeSpanSource="property", ...

Print the display of the sine wave to a new MATLAB figure. The function returns a handle to the figure.

scopeFig = printToFigure(scope);

The handle to the figure scopeFig lets you modify the appearance and the behavior of the figure window.

Specify a figure name and change the size of the figure to 400-by-250 pixels.

scopeFig.Name="Sine Wave Signal";
scopeFig.Position=[1 1 400 250];

When printing to figure, you can make the figure invisible by setting the Visible argument to false.

scopeFig = printToFigure(scope,Visible=false);

Use the printToFigure function to print the dsp.DynamicFilterVisualizer object display window to a new MATLAB® figure.

Create a dsp.DynamicFilterVisualizer object.

dfv = dsp.DynamicFilterVisualizer(YLimits=[-120 10]);

Design FIR filter with varying cutoff frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 0.5. Plot the magnitude response of the filter using the Dynamic Filter Visualizer.

for k = 0.1:0.001:0.5
    b = fir1(90, k);

Print the display of the magnitude response to a new MATLAB figure. The function returns a handle to the figure.

scopeFig = printToFigure(dfv);

The handle to the figure scopeFig lets you modify the appearance and the behavior of the figure window.

Specify a figure name and change the size of the figure to 400-by-250 pixels.

scopeFig.Name="Magnitude Response of FIR Filter";
scopeFig.Position=[1 1 400 250];

When printing to figure, you can make the figure invisible by setting the Visible argument to false.

scopeFig = printToFigure(dfv,Visible=false);

Input Arguments

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Scope object whose display the function prints to a MATLAB figure, specified as one of the following:

Flag to show the MATLAB figure, specified as true or false.

Data Types: logical

Output Arguments

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Handle to the MATLAB figure, returned as a Figure object. For more information on the properties of this object, see Figure Properties.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b