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Fixed-Point Operator Replacement

Define code replacement mappings for fixed-point operations

Use the Code Replacement Tool or programming interface to define code replacement mappings for fixed-point operations, including shift left operations and different types of scaling — for example, binary point or net slope.


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addEntryAdd table entry to collection of table entries registered in code replacement table
createCRLEntryCreate code replacement table entry from conceptual and implementation argument string specifications
RTW.TflBlasEntryGeneratorCreate code replacement table entry for a BLAS operation
RTW.TflCBlasEntryGeneratorCreate code replacement table entry for a CBLAS operation
RTW.TflCOperationEntryCreate code replacement table entry for an operator
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGeneratorCreate code replacement table entry for a fixed-point addition or subtraction operation
RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlopeCreate code replacement table entry for a net slope fixed-point operation
RTW.TflCOperationEntryMLCustom code replacement table operation entry
RTW.TflTableCreate code replacement table
setTflCOperationEntryParametersSet specified parameters for operator entry in code replacement table
addConceptualArgAdd conceptual argument to array of conceptual arguments for code replacement table entry
copyConceptualArgsToImplementationCopy conceptual argument specifications to implementation specifications of an entry for code replacement table entry
createAndAddImplementationArgCreate implementation argument from specified properties and add to implementation arguments for code replacement table entry
createAndSetCImplementationReturnCreate implementation return argument from specified properties and add to implementation for code replacement table entry
createCRLEntryCreate code replacement table entry from conceptual and implementation argument string specifications
createAndAddConceptualArgCreate conceptual argument from specified properties and add to conceptual arguments for code replacement table entry
getTflArgFromStringCreate code replacement argument based on specified name and built-in data type
addAdditionalHeaderFileAdd header file to array of header files for code replacement table entry
addAdditionalIncludePathAdd include path to array of include paths for code replacement table entry
addAdditionalLinkObjAdd link object to array of link objects for code replacement table entry
addAdditionalLinkObjPathAdd link object path to array of link object paths for code replacement table entry
addAdditionalSourceFileAdd source file to array of source files for code replacement table entry
addAdditionalSourcePathAdd source path to array of source paths for code replacement table entry
setTflCOperationEntryParametersSet specified parameters for operator entry in code replacement table
addComplexTypeAlignmentSpecify alignment boundary of a complex type
setReservedIdentifiersRegister reserved identifiers to associate with code replacement library


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