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Choose a Code Replacement Library

About Choosing a Code Replacement Library

By default, the code generator does not use a code replacement library.

If you are considering using a code replacement library:

  1. Explore available libraries. Identify one that best meets your application needs.

  2. Explore the contents of the library. See Explore Code Replacement Library Contents.

If you do not find a suitable library and you have an Embedded Coder® license, you can create a custom code replacement library.

Explore Available Code Replacement Libraries

Select the Code replacement library to use for code generation from the Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Interface pane . To view a description of a library, select and hover your cursor over the library name. A tooltip describes the library and lists the tables that it contains. The tooltip lists the tables in the order that the code generator searches for a function or operator match.

Explore Code Replacement Library Contents

Use the Code Replacement Viewer to explore the content of a code replacement library.

  1. At the command prompt, type crviewer.

    >> crviewer

    The viewer opens. To view the content of a specific library, specify the name of the library as an argument in single quotes. For example:

    >> crviewer('GNU C99 extensions')

  2. In the left pane, select the name of a library. The viewer displays information about the library in the right pane.

  3. In the left pane, expand the library, explore the list of tables it contains, and select a table from the list. In the middle pane, the viewer displays the function and operator entries that are in that table, along with abbreviated information for each entry.

  4. In the middle pane, select a function or operator. The viewer displays information from the table entry in the right pane.

    If you select an operator entry that specifies net slope fixed-point parameters (instantiated from entry class RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator or RTW.TflCOperationEntryGenerator_NetSlope), the viewer displays an additional tab that shows fixed-point settings.

See Code Replacement Viewer for details on what the viewer displays.

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