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Forecast states and observations of diffuse state-space models


[Y,YMSE] = forecast(Mdl,numPeriods,Y0) returns forecasted observations (Y) and their corresponding variances (YMSE) from forecasting the diffuse state-space model Mdl using a numPeriods forecast horizon and in-sample observations Y0.


[Y,YMSE] = forecast(Mdl,numPeriods,Y0,Name,Value) uses additional options specified by one or more Name,Value pair arguments. For example, for state-space models that include a linear regression component in the observation model, include in-sample predictor data, predictor data for the forecast horizon, and the regression coefficient.


[Y,YMSE,X,XMSE] = forecast(___) uses any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes to additionally return state forecasts (X) and their corresponding variances (XMSE).


Input Arguments

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Diffuse state-space model, specified as an dssm model object returned by dssm or estimate.

If Mdl is not fully specified (that is, Mdl contains unknown parameters), then specify values for the unknown parameters using the 'Params' name-value pair argument. Otherwise, the software issues an error. estimate returns fully-specified state-space models.

Mdl does not store observed responses or predictor data. Supply the data wherever necessary using the appropriate input or name-value pair arguments.

Forecast horizon, specified as a positive integer. That is, the software returns 1,..,numPeriods forecasts.

Data Types: double

In-sample, observed responses, specified as a cell vector of numeric vectors or a matrix.

  • If Mdl is time invariant, then Y0 is a T-by-n numeric matrix, where each row corresponds to a period and each column corresponds to a particular observation in the model. Therefore, T is the sample size and m is the number of observations per period. The last row of Y contains the latest observations.

  • If Mdl is time varying with respect to the observation equation, then Y is a T-by-1 cell vector. Each element of the cell vector corresponds to a period and contains an nt-dimensional vector of observations for that period. The corresponding dimensions of the coefficient matrices in Mdl.C{t} and Mdl.D{t} must be consistent with the matrix in Y{t} for all periods. The last cell of Y contains the latest observations.

If Mdl is an estimated state-space model (that is, returned by estimate), then it is best practice to set Y0 to the same data set that you used to fit Mdl.

NaN elements indicate missing observations. For details on how the Kalman filter accommodates missing observations, see Algorithms.

Data Types: double | cell

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'Beta',beta,'Predictors',Z specifies to deflate the observations by the regression component composed of the predictor data Z and the coefficient matrix beta.

Forecast-horizon, state-transition, coefficient matrices, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'A' and a cell vector of numeric matrices.

  • A must contain at least numPeriods cells. Each cell must contain a matrix specifying how the states transition in the forecast horizon. If the length of A is greater than numPeriods, then the software uses the first numPeriods cells. The last cell indicates the latest period in the forecast horizon.

  • If Mdl is time invariant with respect to the states, then each cell of A must contain an m-by-m matrix, where m is the number of the in-sample states per period. By default, the software uses Mdl.A throughout the forecast horizon.

  • If Mdl is time varying with respect to the states, then the dimensions of the matrices in the cells of A can vary, but the dimensions of each matrix must be consistent with the matrices in B and C in the corresponding periods. By default, the software uses Mdl.A{end} throughout the forecast horizon.


The matrices in A cannot contain NaN values.

Data Types: cell

Forecast-horizon, state-disturbance-loading, coefficient matrices, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'B' and a cell vector of matrices.

  • B must contain at least numPeriods cells. Each cell must contain a matrix specifying how the states transition in the forecast horizon. If the length of B is greater than numPeriods, then the software uses the first numPeriods cells. The last cell indicates the latest period in the forecast horizon.

  • If Mdl is time invariant with respect to the states and state disturbances, then each cell of B must contain an m-by-k matrix, where m is the number of the in-sample states per period, and k is the number of in-sample, state disturbances per period. By default, the software uses Mdl.B throughout the forecast horizon.

  • If Mdl is time varying, then the dimensions of the matrices in the cells of B can vary, but the dimensions of each matrix must be consistent with the matrices in A in the corresponding periods. By default, the software uses Mdl.B{end} throughout the forecast horizon.


The matrices in B cannot contain NaN values.

Data Types: cell

Forecast-horizon, measurement-sensitivity, coefficient matrices, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'C' and a cell vector of matrices.

  • C must contain at least numPeriods cells. Each cell must contain a matrix specifying how the states transition in the forecast horizon. If the length of C is greater than numPeriods, then the software uses the first numPeriods cells. The last cell indicates the latest period in the forecast horizon.

  • If Mdl is time invariant with respect to the states and the observations, then each cell of C must contain an n-by-m matrix, where n is the number of the in-sample observations per period, and m is the number of in-sample states per period. By default, the software uses Mdl.C throughout the forecast horizon.

  • If Mdl is time varying with respect to the states or the observations, then the dimensions of the matrices in the cells of C can vary, but the dimensions of each matrix must be consistent with the matrices in A and D in the corresponding periods. By default, the software uses Mdl.C{end} throughout the forecast horizon.


The matrices in C cannot contain NaN values.

Data Types: cell

Forecast-horizon, observation-innovation, coefficient matrices, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'D' and a cell vector of matrices.

  • D must contain at least numPeriods cells. Each cell must contain a matrix specifying how the states transition in the forecast horizon. If the length of D is greater than numPeriods, then the software uses the first numPeriods cells. The last cell indicates the latest period in the forecast horizon.

  • If Mdl is time invariant with respect to the observations and the observation innovations, then each cell of D must contain an n-by-h matrix, where n is the number of the in-sample observations per period, and h is the number of in-sample, observation innovations per period. By default, the software uses Mdl.D throughout the forecast horizon.

  • If Mdl is time varying with respect to the observations or the observation innovations, then the dimensions of the matrices in the cells of D can vary, but the dimensions of each matrix must be consistent with the matrices in C in the corresponding periods. By default, the software uses Mdl.D{end} throughout the forecast horizon.


The matrices in D cannot contain NaN values.

Data Types: cell

Regression coefficients corresponding to predictor variables, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Beta' and a d-by-n numeric matrix. d is the number of predictor variables (see Predictors0 and PredictorsF) and n is the number of observed response series (see Y0).

  • If you specify Beta, then you must also specify Predictors0 and PredictorsF.

  • If Mdl is an estimated state-space model, then specify the estimated regression coefficients stored in Mdl.estParams.

By default, the software excludes a regression component from the state-space model.

In-sample, predictor variables in the state-space model observation equation, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Predictors0' and a matrix. The columns of Predictors0 correspond to individual predictor variables. Predictors0 must have T rows, where row t corresponds to the observed predictors at period t (Zt). The expanded observation equation is


In other words, the software deflates the observations using the regression component. β is the time-invariant vector of regression coefficients that the software estimates with all other parameters.

  • If there are n observations per period, then the software regresses all predictor series onto each observation.

  • If you specify Predictors0, then Mdl must be time invariant. Otherwise, the software returns an error.

  • If you specify Predictors0, then you must also specify Beta and PredictorsF.

  • If Mdl is an estimated state-space model (that is, returned by estimate), then it is best practice to set Predictors0 to the same predictor data set that you used to fit Mdl.

By default, the software excludes a regression component from the state-space model.

Data Types: double

In-sample, predictor variables in the state-space model observation equation, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Predictors0' and a T-by-d numeric matrix. T is the number of in-sample periods and d is the number of predictor variables. Row t corresponds to the observed predictors at period t (Zt). The expanded observation equation is


In other words, the software deflates the observations using the regression component. β is the time-invariant vector of regression coefficients that the software estimates with all other parameters.

  • If there are n observations per period, then the software regresses all predictor series onto each observation.

  • If you specify Predictors0, then Mdl must be time invariant. Otherwise, the software returns an error.

  • If you specify Predictors0, then you must also specify Beta and PredictorsF.

  • If Mdl is an estimated state-space model (that is, returned by estimate), then it is best practice to set Predictors0 to the same predictor data set that you used to fit Mdl.

By default, the software excludes a regression component from the state-space model.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Forecasted observations, returned as a matrix or a cell vector of numeric vectors.

If Mdl is a time-invariant, state-space model with respect to the observations, then Y is a numPeriods-by-n matrix.

If Mdl is a time-varying, state-space model with respect to the observations, then Y is a numPeriods-by-1 cell vector of numeric vectors. Cell t of Y contains an nt-by-1 numeric vector of forecasted observations for period t.

Error variances of forecasted observations, returned as a matrix or a cell vector of numeric vectors.

If Mdl is a time-invariant, state-space model with respect to the observations, then YMSE is a numPeriods-by-n matrix.

If Mdl is a time-varying, state-space model with respect to the observations, then YMSE is a numPeriods-by-1 cell vector of numeric vectors. Cell t of YMSE contains an nt-by-1 numeric vector of error variances for the corresponding forecasted observations for period t.

State forecasts, returned as a matrix or a cell vector of numeric vectors.

If Mdl is a time-invariant, state-space model with respect to the states, then X is a numPeriods-by-m matrix.

If Mdl is a time-varying, state-space model with respect to the states, then X is a numPeriods-by-1 cell vector of numeric vectors. Cell t of X contains an mt-by-1 numeric vector of forecasted observations for period t.

Error variances of state forecasts, returned as a matrix or a cell vector of numeric vectors.

If Mdl is a time-invariant, state-space model with respect to the states, then XMSE is a numPeriods-by-m matrix.

If Mdl is a time-varying, state-space model with respect to the states, then XMSE is a numPeriods-by-1 cell vector of numeric vectors. Cell t of XMSE contains an mt-by-1 numeric vector of error variances for the corresponding forecasted observations for period t.


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Suppose that a latent process is a random walk. The state equation is


where ut is Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

Generate a random series of 100 observations from xt, assuming that the series starts at 1.5.

T = 100;
x0 = 1.5;
rng(1); % For reproducibility
u = randn(T,1);
x = cumsum([x0;u]);
x = x(2:end);

Suppose further that the latent process is subject to additive measurement error. The observation equation is


where εt is Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.75. Together, the latent process and observation equations compose a state-space model.

Use the random latent state process (x) and the observation equation to generate observations.

y = x + 0.75*randn(T,1);

Specify the four coefficient matrices.

A = 1;
B = 1;
C = 1;
D = 0.75;

Create the diffuse state-space model using the coefficient matrices. Specify that the initial state distribution is diffuse.

Mdl = dssm(A,B,C,D,'StateType',2)
Mdl = 
State-space model type: dssm

State vector length: 1
Observation vector length: 1
State disturbance vector length: 1
Observation innovation vector length: 1
Sample size supported by model: Unlimited

State variables: x1, x2,...
State disturbances: u1, u2,...
Observation series: y1, y2,...
Observation innovations: e1, e2,...

State equation:
x1(t) = x1(t-1) + u1(t)

Observation equation:
y1(t) = x1(t) + (0.75)e1(t)

Initial state distribution:

Initial state means

Initial state covariance matrix
 x1  Inf 

State types

Mdl is an dssm model. Verify that the model is correctly specified using the display in the Command Window.

Forecast observations 10 periods into the future, and estimate the mean squared errors of the forecasts.

numPeriods = 10;
[ForecastedY,YMSE] = forecast(Mdl,numPeriods,y);

Plot the forecasts with the in-sample responses, and 95% Wald-type forecast intervals.

ForecastIntervals(:,1) = ForecastedY - 1.96*sqrt(YMSE);
ForecastIntervals(:,2) = ForecastedY + 1.96*sqrt(YMSE);

hold on
title({'Observed Responses and Their Forecasts'})
legend({'Observations','Forecasted observations','95% forecast intervals'},...
hold off

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Observed Responses and Their Forecasts, xlabel Period, ylabel Responses contains 7 objects of type line. These objects represent Observations, Forecasted observations, 95% forecast intervals.

The forecast intervals flare out because the process is nonstationary.

Suppose that the linear relationship between unemployment rate and the nominal gross national product (nGNP) is of interest. Suppose further that unemployment rate is an AR(1) series. Symbolically, and in state-space form, the model is



  • xt is the unemployment rate at time t.

  • yt is the observed change in the unemployment rate being deflated by the return of nGNP (Zt).

  • ut is the Gaussian series of state disturbances having mean 0 and unknown standard deviation σ.

Load the Nelson-Plosser data set, which contains the unemployment rate and nGNP series, among other things.

load Data_NelsonPlosser

Preprocess the data by taking the natural logarithm of the nGNP series and removing the starting NaN values from each series.

isNaN = any(ismissing(DataTable),2);       % Flag periods containing NaNs
gnpn = DataTable.GNPN(~isNaN);
y = diff(DataTable.UR(~isNaN));
T = size(gnpn,1);                          % The sample size
Z = price2ret(gnpn);

This example continues using the series without NaN values. However, using the Kalman filter framework, the software can accommodate series containing missing values.

Determine how well the model forecasts observations by removing the last 10 observations for comparison.

numPeriods = 10;                   % Forecast horizon
isY = y(1:end-numPeriods);         % In-sample observations
oosY = y(end-numPeriods+1:end);    % Out-of-sample observations
ISZ = Z(1:end-numPeriods);         % In-sample predictors
OOSZ = Z(end-numPeriods+1:end);  % Out-of-sample predictors

Specify the coefficient matrices.

A = NaN;
B = NaN;
C = 1;

Create the state-space model using dssm by supplying the coefficient matrices and specifying that the state values come from a diffuse distribution. The diffuse specification indicates complete ignorance about the moments of the initial distribution.

StateType = 2;
Mdl = dssm(A,B,C,'StateType',StateType);

Estimate the parameters. Specify the regression component and its initial value for optimization using the 'Predictors' and 'Beta0' name-value pair arguments, respectively. Display the estimates and all optimization diagnostic information. Restrict the estimate of σ to all positive, real numbers.

params0 = [0.3 0.2]; % Initial values chosen arbitrarily
Beta0 = 0.1;
[EstMdl,estParams] = estimate(Mdl,y,params0,'Predictors',Z,'Beta0',Beta0,...
    'lb',[-Inf 0 -Inf]);
Method: Maximum likelihood (fmincon)
Effective Sample size:             60
Logarithmic  likelihood:     -110.477
Akaike   info criterion:      226.954
Bayesian info criterion:      233.287
           |      Coeff       Std Err    t Stat    Prob 
 c(1)      |   0.59436       0.09408     6.31738  0     
 c(2)      |   1.52554       0.10758    14.17991  0     
 y <- z(1) | -24.26161       1.55730   -15.57930  0     
           |    Final State   Std Dev     t Stat   Prob 
 x(1)      |   2.54764        0           Inf     0     

EstMdl is a dssm model, and you can access its properties using dot notation.

Forecast observations over the forecast horizon. EstMdl does not store the data set, so you must pass it in appropriate name-value pair arguments.

[fY,yMSE] = forecast(EstMdl,numPeriods,isY,'Predictors0',ISZ,...

fY is a 10-by-1 vector containing the forecasted observations, and yMSE is a 10-by-1 vector containing the variances of the forecasted observations.

Obtain 95% Wald-type forecast intervals. Plot the forecasted observations with their true values and the forecast intervals.

ForecastIntervals(:,1) = fY - 1.96*sqrt(yMSE);
ForecastIntervals(:,2) = fY + 1.96*sqrt(yMSE);

h = plot(dates(end-numPeriods-9:end-numPeriods),isY(end-9:end),'-k',...
ylabel('Change in unemployment rate')
legend(h([1,3,4]),{'Observations','Forecasted responses',...
    '95% forecast intervals'})
title('Observed and Forecasted Changes in the Unemployment Rate')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Observed and Forecasted Changes in the Unemployment Rate, xlabel Period, ylabel Change in unemployment rate contains 9 objects of type line. These objects represent Observations, Forecasted responses, 95% forecast intervals.

Suppose that a latent process is a random walk. The state equation is


where ut is Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

Generate a random series of 100 observations from xt, assuming that the series starts at 1.5.

T = 100;
x0 = 1.5;
rng(1); % For reproducibility
u = randn(T,1);
x = cumsum([x0;u]);
x = x(2:end);

Suppose further that the latent process is subject to additive measurement error. The observation equation is


where εt is Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.75. Together, the latent process and observation equations compose a state-space model.

Use the random latent state process (x) and the observation equation to generate observations.

y = x + 0.75*randn(T,1);

Specify the four coefficient matrices.

A = 1;
B = 1;
C = 1;
D = 0.75;

Create the diffuse state-space model using the coefficient matrices. Specify that the initial state distribution is diffuse.

Mdl = dssm(A,B,C,D,'StateType',2)
Mdl = 
State-space model type: dssm

State vector length: 1
Observation vector length: 1
State disturbance vector length: 1
Observation innovation vector length: 1
Sample size supported by model: Unlimited

State variables: x1, x2,...
State disturbances: u1, u2,...
Observation series: y1, y2,...
Observation innovations: e1, e2,...

State equation:
x1(t) = x1(t-1) + u1(t)

Observation equation:
y1(t) = x1(t) + (0.75)e1(t)

Initial state distribution:

Initial state means

Initial state covariance matrix
 x1  Inf 

State types

Mdl is an dssm model. Verify that the model is correctly specified using the display in the Command Window.

Forecast states 10 periods into the future, and estimate the mean squared errors of the forecasts.

numPeriods = 10;
[~,~,ForecastedX,XMSE] = forecast(Mdl,numPeriods,y);

Plot the forecasts with the in-sample states, and 95% Wald-type forecast intervals.

ForecastIntervals(:,1) = ForecastedX - 1.96*sqrt(XMSE);
ForecastIntervals(:,2) = ForecastedX + 1.96*sqrt(XMSE);

hold on
title({'State Values and Their Forecasts'})
ylabel('State value')
legend({'State Values','Forecasted states','95% forecast intervals'},...
hold off

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title State Values and Their Forecasts, xlabel Period, ylabel State value contains 7 objects of type line. These objects represent State Values, Forecasted states, 95% forecast intervals.

The forecast intervals flare out because the process is nonstationary.


Mdl does not store the response data, predictor data, and the regression coefficients. Supply them whenever necessary using the appropriate input or name-value pair arguments.


The Kalman filter accommodates missing data by not updating filtered state estimates corresponding to missing observations. In other words, suppose there is a missing observation at period t. Then, the state forecast for period t based on the previous t – 1 observations and filtered state for period t are equivalent.


[1] Durbin J., and S. J. Koopman. Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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