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Create PAC and Sequential CMO

This example shows how to use an underlying mortgage-backed security (MBS) pool for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage of 6% to define a PAC bond, and then define a sequential CMO from the PAC bond. Analyze the CMO by comparing the CMO spread to a zero-rate curve for a 30-year Treasury bond and then calculate the weighted-average life (WAL) for the PAC bond.

Step 1. Define the underlying mortgage pool.

principal = 100000000;
grossrate = 0.06;
coupon = 0.05;
originalTerm = 360;
termRemaining = 360;
speed = 100;
delay = 14;

Settle      = datenum('1-Jan-2011');
IssueDate   = datenum('1-Jan-2011');
Maturity    = addtodate(IssueDate, 360, 'month');

Step 2. Calculate underlying pool cash flow.

[CFlowAmounts, CFlowDates, ~, ~, ~, UnitPrincipal, UnitInterest, ...
UnitPrepayment] = mbscfamounts(Settle, Maturity, IssueDate, grossrate, ...
coupon, delay, speed, []);

Step 3. Calculate prepayments.

principalPayments = UnitPrincipal * principal;
netInterest = UnitInterest * principal;
prepayments = UnitPrepayment * principal;
dates = CFlowDates' + delay;

Step 4. Generate a plot for underlying MBS payments.

area([principalPayments'+prepayments', netInterest'])
title('Underlying MBS Payments');
legend('Principal Payments (incl. Prepayments)', 'Interest Payments')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Underlying MBS Payments contains 2 objects of type area. These objects represent Principal Payments (incl. Prepayments), Interest Payments.

Step 5. Calculate the PAC schedule.

pacSpeed = [80 300];
[balanceSchedule, pacInitBalance] = ...
cmosched(principal, grossrate, originalTerm, termRemaining, ...
pacSpeed, []);

Step 6. Generate a plot for the PAC principal balance schedule.

area([pacInitBalance'; balanceSchedule'])
title('PAC Principal Balance Schedule');
legend('Principal Balance Schedule');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title PAC Principal Balance Schedule contains an object of type area. This object represents Principal Balance Schedule.

Step 7. Calculate PAC cash flow.

pacTranchePrincipals = [pacInitBalance; principal-pacInitBalance];
pacTrancheCoupons = [0.05; 0.05];
[pacBalances, pacPrincipals, pacInterests] = ...
cmoschedcf(principalPayments+prepayments, ...
pacTranchePrincipals, pacTrancheCoupons, balanceSchedule);

Step 8. Generate a plot for the PAC CMO tranches.

Generate a plot for the PAC CMO tranches:

area([pacPrincipals' pacInterests']);
title('PAC CMO (PAC and Support Tranches)');
legend('PAC Principal Payments', 'Support Principal Payments', ...
'PAC Interest Payments', 'Support Interest Payments');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title PAC CMO (PAC and Support Tranches) contains 4 objects of type area. These objects represent PAC Principal Payments, Support Principal Payments, PAC Interest Payments, Support Interest Payments.

Step 9. Create sequential CMO from the PAC bond.

CMO tranches, A, B, C, and D

seqTranchePrincipals = ...
[20000000; 20000000; 10000000; pacInitBalance-50000000];
seqTrancheCoupons = [0.05; 0.05; 0.05; 0.05];

Step 10. Calculate cash flows for each tranche.

[seqBalances, seqPrincipals, seqInterests] = ...
cmoseqcf(pacPrincipals(1, :), seqTranchePrincipals, ...
seqTrancheCoupons, false);

Step 11. Generate a plot for the sequential PAC CMO.

Generate a plot for the sequential PAC CMO:

area([seqPrincipals' pacPrincipals(2, :)' pacInterests']);
title('Sequential PAC CMO and Support Tranches');
legend('Sequential PAC Principals (A)', 'Sequential PAC Principals (B)', ...
'Sequential PAC Principals (C)', 'Sequential PAC Principals (D)', ...
'Support Principal Payments', 'PAC Interest Payments', ...
'Support Interest Payments');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Sequential PAC CMO and Support Tranches contains 7 objects of type area. These objects represent Sequential PAC Principals (A), Sequential PAC Principals (B), Sequential PAC Principals (C), Sequential PAC Principals (D), Support Principal Payments, PAC Interest Payments, Support Interest Payments.

Step 12. Create the discount curve.

CurveSettle = datenum('1-Jan-2011');
ZeroRates = [0.01 0.03 0.10 0.19 0.45 0.81 1.76 2.50 3.18 4.09 4.38]'/100;
CurveTimes = [1/12 3/12 6/12 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30]';
CurveDates = daysadd(CurveSettle, 360 * CurveTimes, 1);
zeroCurve = intenvset('Rates', ZeroRates, 'StartDates', CurveSettle, ...
'EndDates', CurveDates);

Step 13. Price the CMO cash flows.

The cash flow for the sequential PAC principal A tranche is calculated using the cash flow functions cfbyzero, cfyield, cfprice, and cfspread.

cflows = seqPrincipals(1, :)+seqInterests(1, :);
cfdates = dates(2:end)';
price1 = cfbyzero(zeroCurve, cflows, cfdates, Settle, 4)
price1 = 
yield = cfyield(cflows, cfdates, price1, Settle, 'Basis', 4)
yield = 
price2 = cfprice(cflows, cfdates, yield, Settle, 'Basis', 4)
price2 = 
spread = cfspread(zeroCurve, price2, cflows, cfdates, Settle, 'Basis', 4)
spread = 
WAL = sum(cflows .* yearfrac(Settle, cfdates, 4)) / sum(cflows)
WAL = 

The weighted average life (WAL) for the sequential PAC principal A tranche is 2.54 years.

See Also

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