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Constant velocity trackingMSCEKF initialization


mscekf = initcvmscekf(detection) initializes a trackingMSCEKF (extended Kalman filter for tracking in modified spherical coordinates) object based on information provided in an objectDetection object, detection. The function assumes a target range of 3e4 units and a range-covariance of 1e10 units2.

The trackingMSCEKF object can be used with trackers for tracking targets with angle-only measurements from a single observer.


mscekf = initcvmscekf(detection,rangeEstimation) allows specifying the range information to the filter. The rangeEstimation variable is a two-element vector, where the first element specifies the range of the target, and the second element specifies the standard deviation in range.



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Create an angle-only detection.

detection = objectDetection(0,[30;20],'MeasurementParameters',...

Use initcvmscekf to create a trackingMSCEKF filter initialized using the angle-only detection.

filter = initcvmscekf(detection)
filter = 
  trackingMSCEKF with properties:

                          State: [6x1 double]
                StateCovariance: [6x6 double]

             StateTransitionFcn: @constvelmsc
     StateTransitionJacobianFcn: @constvelmscjac
                   ProcessNoise: [3x3 double]
        HasAdditiveProcessNoise: 0
                  ObserverInput: [3x1 double]

                 MeasurementFcn: @cvmeasmsc
         MeasurementJacobianFcn: @cvmeasmscjac
         HasMeasurementWrapping: 1
               MeasurementNoise: [2x2 double]
    HasAdditiveMeasurementNoise: 1

Create measurement parameters for subsequent rotation.

measParamSensorToPlat = struct('Frame','Spherical','HasRange',false,...
'Orientation',rotmat(quaternion([0 0 30],'rotvecd'),'frame'))
measParamSensorToPlat = struct with fields:
          Frame: 'Spherical'
       HasRange: 0
    Orientation: [3x3 double]

measParamPlatToScenario = struct('Frame','Rectangular','HasRange',false,...
'Orientation',rotmat(quaternion([30 0 0],'rotvecd'),'frame'))
measParamPlatToScenario = struct with fields:
          Frame: 'Rectangular'
       HasRange: 0
    Orientation: [3x3 double]

measParam = [measParamSensorToPlat;measParamPlatToScenario];
detection = objectDetection(0,[30;20],'MeasurementParameters',measParam);

Initialize a filter.

filter = initcvmscekf(detection);

Check that filter's measurement is same as detection.

ans = 2×1


Consider a scenario when the target is moving at a constant velocity along and the observer is moving at a constant acceleration. Define target's initial state using a constant velocity model.

tgtState = [2000;-3;500;-5;0;0];

Define observer's initial state using a constant acceleration model.

observerState = [0;2;0;490;-10;0.2;0;0;0];

Create a trackerGNN object to use with initcvmscekf with some prior information about range and range-covariance.

range = 1000;
rangeStdDev = 1e3;
rangeEstimate = [range rangeStdDev];
tracker = trackerGNN('FilterInitializationFcn',@(det)initcvmscekf(det,rangeEstimate));

Simulate synthetic data by using measurement models. Get az and el information using the cvmeas function.

syntheticParams = struct('Frame','Spherical','HasRange',false,...
meas = cvmeas(tgtState,syntheticParams);

Create an angle-only objectDetection to simulate synthetic detection.

detection = objectDetection(0,meas,'MeasurementParameters',...

Create trackPlotter and platformPlotter to visualize the scenario.

tp = theaterPlot('XLimits',[0 2500],'YLimits',[0 1000]);
targetPlotter = platformPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Target','MarkerFaceColor','k');
observerPlotter = platformPlotter(tp,'DisplayName', 'Observer','MarkerFaceColor','r');
trkPlotter = trackPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Track','MarkerFaceColor','g','HistoryDepth',50);
tgtTrajPlotter = trajectoryPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Target Trajectory','Color','k');
obsTrajPlotter = trajectoryPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Observer Trajectory','Color','r');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains 6 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Target, Observer, Track, (history), Target Trajectory, Observer Trajectory.

Run the tracker.

time = 0; dT = 0.1;
tgtPoses = [];
obsPoses = [];
while time < 50
    [confTracks,tentTracks,allTracks] = tracker(detection,time);
    for i = 1:numel(allTracks)
    % Update synthetic detection.
    observerState = constacc(observerState,dT);
    tgtState = constvel(tgtState,dT);
    syntheticParams.OriginPosition = observerState(1:3:end);
    detection.Measurement = cvmeas(tgtState,syntheticParams);
    time = time + dT;
    detection.Time = time;
    % Update plots
    tgtPoses = [tgtPoses;tgtState(1:2:end)']; %#ok
    obsPoses = [obsPoses;observerState(1:3:end)']; %#ok
    % Plot the first track as there are no false alarms, this should be
    % the target.
    % Get positions from the MSC state of the track.
    cartState = cvmeasmsc(allTracks(i).State,'rectangular') + observerState(1:3:end);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains 6 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Target, Observer, Track, (history), Target Trajectory, Observer Trajectory.

Input Arguments

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Detection report, specified as an objectDetection object.

Example: detection = objectDetection(0,[1;4.5;3],'MeasurementNoise', [1.0 0 0; 0 2.0 0; 0 0 1.5])

Range information, specified as a two-element vector of the form [targetRange rangeSTD], where the first element specifies the range of the target, and the second element specifies the standard deviation in range.

Data Types: single | double

Output Arguments

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Constant velocity tracking extended Kalman filter in an MSC frame, returned as a trackingMSCEKF object.

The state convention of the trackingMSCEKF object is

  • [az;azRate;1/r;rDot/r] for 2-D tracking, and

  • [az;azRate;el;elRate;1/r;rDot/r] for 3-D tracking.

az and el are the azimuth and elevation angle in radians. azRate and elRate are the azimuth and elevation angular rate in radians per second. r is the range in meters, and rDot is the range rate in meters per second.

The measurement convention of the trackingMSCEKF object is

  • [azDegree] –– When HasElevation is set to false, the vector contains only the azimuth measurement, with the unit in degrees.

  • [azDegree;elDegree] –– When the frame is set to "spherical", the function returns the azimuth and elevation measurements from an MSC state, with the units in degrees.

  • [x;y;z] –– When the frame is set to "rectangular", the function returns the position measurements from an MSC state, with the units in meters.


  • The function configures the filter with process noise assuming a unit target acceleration standard deviation.

  • The function configures the covariance of the state in an MSC frame by using a linear transformation of covariance in a Cartesian frame.

  • You can use this function as the FilterInitializationFcn property of trackerTOMHT and trackerGNN System objects.

  • The function initializes the ObserverInput of the trackingMSCEKF class with zero observer acceleration in all directions. You must use the setTrackFilterProperties function of the trackers to update the ObserverInput.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b