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Get Started With Hardware-Software Co-Design

Deploy generated HDL code on a target hardware platform

Design a system that you can deploy on hardware or a combination of hardware and software. Deploy your MATLAB® or Simulink® design:

  • As hardware and software on Xilinx® system-on-chip (SoC) platforms, such as Zynq®, Zynq UltraScale+™, Versal® or ZedBoard™.

  • On standalone Xilinx FPGAs, such as an Kintex®-7 or Virtex®-7 boards.

If you are using an SoC platform or a platform that has a separate FPGA and processor, you can partition your design to generate hardware that targets the FPGA fabric and software that runs on the embedded processor of the target platform.

Targeting FPGA & SoC Hardware Worfklow


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