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Hydraulic Motor Driven by Load-Sensing Pump

This example shows a circuit that is equipped with a load-sensing velocity regulator installed between the pump and directional valve. Unlike a conventional meter-in velocity control, the load-sensing device automatically adjusts output pressure of the pump in such a way that it equals the sum of the preset pressure drop across the pressure-compensated flow control valve and the pressure induced by load. The pilot-operated pressure-relief valve in the Load-Sensing Velocity Control block is built of the Poppet Valve and the Hydraulic Double-Acting Valve Actuator blocks.


Load-Sensing Velocity Control Subsystem

Valve Subsystem

Simulation Results from Simscape Logging

The plots below show the behavior of the motor. The motor speed varies as the load torque is applied. The valve controls pressure to the motor such that it can spin forward, backward, or be locked in place.

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