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Convert world coordinates to pixel subscripts

Since R2021a


pixelsub = world2sub(bim,world) converts the world coordinates, world, to the corresponding pixel subscripts, pixelsub. The world coordinates should be in the same order as the pixel subscripts.


pixelsub = world2sub(bim,world,Level=L) additionally specifies the resolution level L to use in a multiresolution image.


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Convert pixel subscripts from one level to another via the world coordinates.

Create a blocked image from a sample image included with the toolbox.

bim = blockedImage("tumor_091R.tif");

Create a binary mask at the coarsest resolution level.

bmask = apply(bim, @(bs)imbinarize(im2gray(bs.Data)),Level=3);

Define a region of interest (ROI) in the finest resolution level in pixel subscripts.

pixelStartLevel1 = [1700 1550];
pixelEndLevel1 = [2100 2000];
imagePixelSubs = [pixelStartLevel1; pixelEndLevel1];

Get the image data from the ROI at the finest resolution level.

roiImage = getRegion(bim,pixelStartLevel1,pixelEndLevel1,Level=1);
ans = 1×3

   401   451     3

Convert the pixel subscripts that define the ROI into world coordinates. By default, sub2world converts the coordinates at the finest resolution level.

worldRegion = sub2world(bim,imagePixelSubs);

Convert the world coordinates of the ROI to pixel subscripts of the mask.

maskPixelSubs = world2sub(bmask,worldRegion);

Get the mask data from the ROI.

roiMask = getRegion(bmask,maskPixelSubs(1,:),maskPixelSubs(2,:));
ans = 1×2

    51    58

View the region of interest and the corresponding mask.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Input Arguments

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Blocked image, specified as a blockedImage object.

World coordinates, specified as a K-by-N numeric matrix, where K is the number of world coordinate vectors. N is equal to or less than the number of dimensions of the blocked image bim. For example, you can exclude a color channel from the conversion by specifying the world coordinates with one less dimension than the blocked image.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | logical

Resolution level, specified as a positive integer that is less than or equal to the number of resolution levels of bim.

Output Arguments

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Pixel subscripts, returned as a K-by-N integer-valued matrix, where K is the number of coordinates and N is the dimensionality of the world coordinates.


  • World coordinates are theoretically continuous domain values represented by floating point numbers. Subscripts are discrete integer values that can be used to index into the underlying array. Floating point computation and rounding may cause small changes in world coordinates around the edge of pixels to map to different neighboring subscript locations. world2sub rounds up world coordinate values on the edge of two pixels, except for pixels on the border, where it rounds down to the last pixel.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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