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Enabling Convenience Functions for Setting Axes Properties

When you develop a chart as a subclass of the ChartContainer class, consider enabling some of the MATLAB® convenience functions for setting properties on the axes. For example, you can design your class to support the title function. By enabling convenience functions, you provide a user experience that is consistent with the MATLAB plotting functions.

Support for Different Types of Properties

The way you enable a convenience function depends on whether the function controls a noncomputed property or a computed property. This table lists the convenience functions you can support.

Convenience FunctionAssociated Axes PropertyType of Property

title, subtitle

Title, Subtitle


xlabel, ylabel, zlabel

XLabel, YLabel, and ZLabel, respectively


xlim, ylim, zlim

XLim, YLim, and ZLim, respectively


xticks, yticks, zticks

XTick, YTick, and ZTick, respectively


xticklabels, yticklabels, zticklabels

XTickLabel, YTickLabel, and ZTickLabel, respectively





Enable Functions for Noncomputed Properties

Noncomputed properties are fixed values. They do not change until a user or your code changes them explicitly.

To enable a convenience function for a noncomputed property, define a public property in your class that stores the value of axes property you want to control. Then define a public method that has the same name and supports the same calling syntaxes as the convenience function you want to support. Add a line of code to the method that sets the value of the property. For example, consider a class that has a public property called TitleText for storing the title. The following code shows the title method for the class.

function title(obj,txt) 
       obj.TitleText = txt;

Next, add a line of code to the update method that calls the MATLAB convenience function to set the corresponding axes property.


After you perform the preceding steps and save your class file, you can create an instance of your chart and call the title function to display a title. Doing so triggers this calling sequence:

  1. The title method on the class sets the TitleText property, which marks the chart for updating.

  2. The next time drawnow executes, the update method executes and calls the title function on the axes.

  3. The title function updates the Title property on the axes.

Enable Functions for Computed Properties

Computed properties are controlled by the axes. The axes recomputes their values depending on the content of the axes and the underlying data.

To enable a convenience function for a computed property, define a method that has the same name and calling syntax as the convenience function you want to enable. Inside that method, call the convenience function and specify the axes as the first argument. For example, to enable the xlim function, define a method called xlim in your class. Since the xlim function accepts a variable number of input arguments, you must specify varargin as the second input argument. The xlim function also supports a variable number of output arguments, so you must specify [varargout{1:nargout}] to support those arguments.

function varargout = xlim(obj,varargin) 
    ax = getAxes(obj);
    [varargout{1:nargout}] = xlim(ax,varargin{:});

To provide access to the corresponding property values on your chart, define two dependent properties on your class. The first property provides access to the value that the convenience function controls. The other property provides access to the mode property, which indicates how the first property is controlled. The mode property can have a value of 'auto' or 'manual'. Define these properties as dependent so that the chart does not store the values. The axes controls and stores these values. For example, to provide access to the XLim and XLimMode properties on the axes, define a pair of dependent properties called XLimits and XLimitsMode.

properties (Dependent)
    XLimits (1,2) double
    XLimitsMode {mustBeMember(XLimitsMode,{'auto','manual'})}

Next, define the set and get methods for each dependent property. Within each method, set the corresponding axes property. The following code shows the set methods and get methods for the XLimits and XLimitsMode properties.

function set.XLimits(obj,xlm)
    ax = getAxes(obj);
    ax.XLim = xlm;
function xlm = get.XLimits(obj)
    ax = getAxes(obj);
    xlm = ax.XLim;
function set.XLimitsMode(obj,xlmmode)
    ax = getAxes(obj);
    ax.XLimMode = xlmmode;
function xlm = get.XLimitsMode(obj)
    ax = getAxes(obj);
    xlm = ax.XLimMode;

After you perform the preceding steps and save your class file, you can create an instance of your chart and call the xlim function to change the x-axis limits in the chart. The xlim method executes, which in turn calls the xlim function to update the XLim property on the axes.


By default, MATLAB does not store any changes when the user calls the xlim and ylim functions. As a consequence, this example is not supported in the Live Editor. To support the Live Editor and workflows that involve saving and loading changes, see Saving and Loading Instances of Chart Classes.

Chart Class That Supports title, xlim, and ylim Functions

This example shows how to define a class of charts that supports the title, xlim, and ylim functions. The following code demonstrates how to:

  • Define a TitleText property and implement a title method so that instances of the chart support the title function.

  • Implement the xlim and ylim methods so that instances of the chart support the xlim and ylim functions.

  • Define properties that allow the user to get and set the x- and y-axis limits.

  • Combine Bar and ErrorBar objects into a single chart.

To define the class, copy this code into the editor and save it with the name BarErrorBarChart.m in a writable folder.

classdef BarErrorBarChart <
        XData (1,:) double = NaN
        YData (1,:) double = NaN
        EData (1,:) double = NaN
        TitleText (:,:) char = ''
    properties (Dependent)
        % Provide properties to support setting & getting
        XLimits (1,2) double
        XLimitsMode {mustBeMember(XLimitsMode,{'auto','manual'})}
        YLimits (1,2) double
        YLimitsMode {mustBeMember(YLimitsMode,{'auto','manual'})}
    properties (Access = private)
        BarObject (1,1)
        ErrorBarObject (1,1)
    methods(Access = protected)
        function setup(obj)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            obj.BarObject = bar(ax,NaN,NaN);
            obj.ErrorBarObject = errorbar(ax,NaN,NaN,NaN);
            obj.ErrorBarObject.LineStyle = 'none';
            obj.ErrorBarObject.LineWidth = 2;
            obj.ErrorBarObject.Color = [0.6 0.7 1];
        function update(obj)
            % Update Bar and ErrorBar XData and YData
            obj.BarObject.XData = obj.XData;
            obj.BarObject.YData = obj.YData;
            obj.ErrorBarObject.XData = obj.XData;
            obj.ErrorBarObject.YData = obj.YData;
            % Update ErrorBar delta values
            obj.ErrorBarObject.YNegativeDelta = obj.EData;
            obj.ErrorBarObject.YPositiveDelta = obj.EData;
            % Update axes title
            ax = getAxes(obj);
        % xlim method
        function varargout = xlim(obj,varargin)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            [varargout{1:nargout}] = xlim(ax,varargin{:});
        % ylim method
        function varargout = ylim(obj,varargin)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            [varargout{1:nargout}] = ylim(ax,varargin{:});
        % title method
        function title(obj,txt)
            obj.TitleText = txt;
        % set and get methods for XLimits and XLimitsMode
        function set.XLimits(obj,xlm)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            ax.XLim = xlm;
        function xlm = get.XLimits(obj)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            xlm = ax.XLim;
        function set.XLimitsMode(obj,xlmmode)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            ax.XLimMode = xlmmode;
        function xlm = get.XLimitsMode(obj)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            xlm = ax.XLimMode;
        % set and get methods for YLimits and YLimitsMode
        function set.YLimits(obj,ylm)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            ax.YLim = ylm;
        function ylm = get.YLimits(obj)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            ylm = ax.YLim;
        function set.YLimitsMode(obj,ylmmode)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            ax.YLimMode = ylmmode;
        function ylm = get.YLimitsMode(obj)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            ylm = ax.YLimMode;

After saving BarErrorBarChart.m, create an instance of the chart.

BarErrorBarChart('XData',[1 2 3 4],'YData',[11 22 31 41],'EData',[2 2 2 2]);

Specify a title by calling the title function. Then zoom into the last three bars by calling the xlim function.

title('Top Three Contributors')
xlim([1.5 5])

See Also




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