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Class: matlab.automation.diagnostics.FileArtifact
Namespace: matlab.automation.diagnostics

Copy artifacts to new location


newArtifacts = copyTo(artifact,destination)


newArtifacts = copyTo(artifact,destination) copies artifacts to a new location and returns an array of updated matlab.automation.diagnostics.Artifact instances. The copyTo method sets the Location property on each instance of newArtifacts to destination.

Input Arguments

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Artifacts to copy to a new location, specified as an array of matlab.automation.diagnostics.FileArtifact instances.

New location for the artifacts, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Example: tempdir()

Example: "mySubFolder

Example: 'C:\work'


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Create an array of file artifacts. This example assumes that files called someFile.m and anotherFile.m exist in your current folder.

import matlab.automation.diagnostics.FileArtifact
fileArtifact1 = FileArtifact('someFile.m');
fileArtifact2 = FileArtifact('anotherFile.m');
artifacts = [fileArtifact1 fileArtifact2];

Copy the artifacts to a temporary folder.

destination = tempdir();
newArtifacts = artifacts.copyTo(destination);

Version History

Introduced in R2017a