Apply function to table or timetable variables
the function B
= varfun(func
separately to each variable
of the table or timetable A
and returns the results
in the table or timetable B
The function func
must take one input argument and return an array with the
same number of rows each time it is called. The i
th value in the
output argument, B{:,i}
, is equal to
specifies options using one or more name-value arguments. For example, you can use
the B
= varfun(func
name-value argument to perform calculations
on groups of data within table variables. For more information about calculations on
groups of data, see Calculations on Groups of Data.
Apply Element-Wise Function
Apply an element-wise function to the variables of a table.
Create a table that contains numeric variables.
A = table([10.71;-2.05;-0.35;-0.82;1.57],[9.23;3.12;-1.18;0.23;16.41])
A=5×2 table
Var1 Var2
_____ _____
10.71 9.23
-2.05 3.12
-0.35 -1.18
-0.82 0.23
1.57 16.41
Round the numeric values in A
by applying the round
function. To specify a function as an input argument to varfun
, use the @
symbol. The variable names of the output table are based on the function name and the variable names from the input table.
B = varfun(@round,A)
B=5×2 table
round_Var1 round_Var2
__________ __________
11 9
-2 3
0 -1
-1 0
2 16
Apply Function That Reduces Table Variables
You can apply a function, such as sum
or max
, that reduces table variables along the first dimension. For example, use varfun
to calculate the mean of each variable in a table.
Create a table that contains numeric variables.
A = table([0.71;-2.05;-0.35;-0.82;1.57],[0.23;0.12;-0.18;0.23;0.41])
A=5×2 table
Var1 Var2
_____ _____
0.71 0.23
-2.05 0.12
-0.35 -0.18
-0.82 0.23
1.57 0.41
Apply the mean
function to all the variables of the table. The output table contains the mean value of each variable of the input table.
B = varfun(@mean,A)
B=1×2 table
mean_Var1 mean_Var2
_________ _________
-0.188 0.162
To have varfun
return a numeric vector instead of a table, specify the OutputFormat
name-value argument as "uniform"
. To use the "uniform"
output format, func
must always return a scalar.
B = varfun(@mean,A,"OutputFormat","uniform")
B = 1×2
-0.1880 0.1620
Apply Function to Groups Within Variables
Create a table that has numeric data variables and a nonnumeric variable that is a grouping variable. Then perform a calculation on each group within the numeric variables.
Read data from a CSV (comma-separated values) file into a table. The sample file contains test scores for 10 students from two different schools.
scores = readtable("testScores.csv","TextType","string"); scores.School = categorical(scores.School)
scores=10×5 table
LastName School Test1 Test2 Test3
__________ __________ _____ _____ _____
"Jeong" XYZ School 90 87 93
"Collins" XYZ School 87 85 83
"Torres" XYZ School 86 85 88
"Phillips" ABC School 75 80 72
"Ling" ABC School 89 86 87
"Ramirez" ABC School 96 92 98
"Lee" XYZ School 78 75 77
"Walker" ABC School 91 94 92
"Garcia" ABC School 86 83 85
"Chang" XYZ School 79 76 82
Calculate the mean score for each test by school. The variables Test1
, Test2
, and Test3
are the numeric data variables. The School
variable is the grouping variable. When you specify a grouping variable, its unique values define groups that corresponding values in the data variables belong to.
vars = ["Test1","Test2","Test3"]; meanScoresBySchool = varfun(@mean, ... scores, ... "InputVariables",vars, ... "GroupingVariables","School")
meanScoresBySchool=2×5 table
School GroupCount mean_Test1 mean_Test2 mean_Test3
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
ABC School 5 87.4 87 86.8
XYZ School 5 84 81.6 84.6
The output table includes a variable named GroupCount
to indicate the number of rows from the input table in that group.
Apply Function to Groups Within Timetable Variables
Create a timetable containing sample data. The row times of the timetable can define groups because row times can be duplicates.
Timestamps = datetime(2023,1,1)+days([0 1 1 2 3 3])'; A = timetable(Timestamps, ... [0.71;-2.05;-0.35;-0.82;1.57;0.09], ... [0.23;0.12;-0.18;0.23;0.41;0.02], ... 'VariableNames',["x","y"])
A=6×2 timetable
Timestamps x y
___________ _____ _____
01-Jan-2023 0.71 0.23
02-Jan-2023 -2.05 0.12
02-Jan-2023 -0.35 -0.18
03-Jan-2023 -0.82 0.23
04-Jan-2023 1.57 0.41
04-Jan-2023 0.09 0.02
Compute the mean values of the variables in the timetable by day. Specify the vector of row times as the grouping variable. The output B
is a timetable because the input A
is a timetable. When you specify the vector of row times as the grouping variable, you cannot specify any variable as another grouping variable.
B = varfun(@mean,A,"GroupingVariables","Timestamps")
B=4×3 timetable
Timestamps GroupCount mean_x mean_y
___________ __________ ______ ______
01-Jan-2023 1 0.71 0.23
02-Jan-2023 2 -1.2 -0.03
03-Jan-2023 1 -0.82 0.23
04-Jan-2023 2 0.83 0.215
Pass Optional Arguments to Applied Function
To pass optional arguments when you apply a function, wrap the function call in an anonymous function.
Create a table that contains numeric variables. Assign NaN
to some elements of the table.
A = table([10.71;-2.05;NaN;-0.82;1.57],[9.23;NaN;-1.18;0.23;16.41])
A=5×2 table
Var1 Var2
_____ _____
10.71 9.23
-2.05 NaN
NaN -1.18
-0.82 0.23
1.57 16.41
By default, the mean
function returns NaN
when input arrays have NaN
B = varfun(@mean,A)
B=1×2 table
mean_Var1 mean_Var2
_________ _________
To omit NaN
s when you apply mean
, specify the "omitnan"
option. To use this option when you apply mean
, wrap a call that specifies "omitnan"
in an anonymous function.
func = @(x) mean(x,"omitnan");
Calculate the mean values with "omitnan"
by applying the anonymous function.
C = varfun(func,A)
C=1×2 table
Fun_Var1 Fun_Var2
________ ________
2.3525 6.1725
Input Arguments
— Function
function handle
Function, specified as a function handle. You can specify a handle for an existing function, define the function in a file, or specify an anonymous function. The function takes one input argument and must have a syntax in this form:
result = f(arg)
To call f
on the variables of A
specify func
as shown in this call to
func = @f; B = varfun(func,A);
For every variable in A
, varfun
calls func
on that variable, and then assigns the output
of func
as the corresponding variable in output
Some further considerations:
The function that
represents can have other syntaxes with additional optional arguments. But whenvarfun
calls the function, it calls the syntax that has only one input argument.For example, the
function has syntaxes that specify optional arguments, such as"omitnan"
. But if you specifyfunc
, thenvarfun
using themean(arg)
syntax.To call a function with optional arguments, wrap it in an anonymous function. For example, to call
with the"omitnan"
option, specifyfunc
as@(x) mean(x,"omitnan")
returns an array with a different number of rows each time it is called, then specify theOutputFormat
name-value argument as"cell"
. Otherwise,func
must return an array with the same number of rows each time it is called.If
corresponds to more than one function file (that is, iffunc
represents a set of overloaded functions), MATLAB® determines which function to call based on the class of the input arguments.
Example: B = varfun(@mean,A)
calculates the mean value
of an input.
Example: B = varfun(@(x) x.^2,A)
calculates the square of each element of an
Example: B = varfun(@(x) mean(x,"omitnan"),A)
with the "omitnan"
— Input table
table | timetable
Input table, specified as a table or timetable.
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: B = varfun(func,A,InputVariables=["Var2","Var3"])
only the variables named Var2
and Var3
as the inputs to func
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: B = varfun(func,A,"InputVariables",["Var2","Var3"])
only the variables named Var2
and Var3
as the inputs to func
— Variables of A
to pass to func
positive integer | vector of positive integers | string array | character vector | cell array of character vectors | pattern
scalar | logical vector | function handle
Variables of A
to pass to func
specified using one of the indexing schemes from this table.
Indexing Scheme | Examples |
Variable names:
Variable index:
Function handle:
Example: B = varfun(func,A,InputVariables=[1 3 4])
uses only the first, third, and fourth variables in A
as the inputs to func
Example: B =
uses only the
numeric variables in A
as the inputs to
— Variables of A
to use as grouping variables
positive integer | vector of positive integers | string array | character vector | cell array of character vectors | pattern
scalar | logical vector
Variables of A
to use as grouping variables,
specified using one of the indexing schemes from this table.
Indexing Scheme | Examples |
Variable names:
Variable index:
The unique values in the grouping variables define groups. Rows in
where the grouping variables have the same
values belong to the same group. varfun
to each group of rows within each of the
remaining variables of A
, rather than to entire
variables. For more information on calculations using grouping
variables, see Calculations on Groups of Data.
Grouping variables can have any of the data types listed in this table.
Values That Specify Groups | Data Type of Grouping Variable |
Numbers | Numeric or logical vector |
Text | String array or cell array of character vectors |
Dates and times |
Categories |
Bins | Vector of binned values, created by binning a
continuous distribution of numeric,
Many data types have ways to represent missing values, such as
s, NaT
s, undefined
values, or missing strings. If any
grouping variable has a data type that can represent missing values,
then rows where missing values occur in that grouping variable do not
belong to any group and are excluded from the output.
To include rows where the grouping variables have missing values,
consider using the groupsummary
function instead.
Row labels can be grouping variables. You can group on row labels
alone, on one or more variables in A
, or on row
labels and variables together.
is a table, then the labels are row names.If
is a timetable, then the labels are row times.
The output B
has one row for each group of rows in
the input A
. If B
is a table or
timetable, then B
Variables corresponding to the input table variables that
was applied toVariables corresponding to the grouping variables
A new variable,
, whose values are the number of rows of the inputA
that are in each group
If B
is a timetable, then B
also has:
Row times, where the first row time from each group of rows in
is the corresponding row time inB
. To returnB
as a table without row times, specifyOutputFormat
Example: B = varfun(func,A,GroupingVariables="Var3")
uses the variable named Var3
in A
as a grouping variable.
Example: B =
uses the
variables named Var3
and Var4
as grouping variables.
Example: B = varfun(func,A,GroupingVariables=[3 4])
uses the third and fourth variables in A
as grouping
— Format of B
(default) | "table"
| "timetable"
| "uniform"
| "cell"
Format of B
, specified as one of the values in this table.
If |
Example: B = varfun(func,A,OutputFormat="uniform")
returns the output as a vector.
— Function to call if func
function handle
Function to call if func
fails, specified as a
function handle. If func
throws an error, then the
error handler function specified by ErrorHandler
catches the error and takes the action specified in the function. The
error handler either must throw an error or return the same number of
outputs as func
If you do not specify ErrorHandler
, then
rethrows the error that it caught from
The first input argument of the error handler is a structure with these fields:
object that contains information about the error (since R2024a)index
— Index of the variable where the error occurredname
— Name of the variable where the error occurred
The remaining input arguments to the error handler are the input
arguments for the call to func
that made
throw the error.
For example, suppose that func
returns two doubles
as output arguments. You can specify the error handler as a function
that raises a warning and returns two output
function [A,B] = errorFunc(S,varargin) warning(S.cause.identifier,S.cause.message); A = NaN; B = NaN; end
In releases before R2024a, the first input argument of the error handler is a structure with these fields:
— Error identifiermessage
— Error message textindex
— Index of the variable where the error occurredname
— Name of the variable where the error occurred
Example: B = varfun(func,A,ErrorHandler=@errorFunc)
specifies errorFunc
as the error
Output Arguments
— Output values
table | timetable | cell array | vector
Output values, returned as a table, timetable, cell array, or vector.
If B
is a table or timetable, then it can store metadata such as
descriptions, variable units, variable names, and row names. For more information, see
the Properties sections of table
or timetable
To return B
as a cell array or vector, specify the
name-value argument.
More About
Calculations on Groups of Data
In data analysis, you commonly perform calculations on groups of data. For such calculations, you split one or more data variables into groups of data, perform a calculation on each group, and combine the results into one or more output variables. You can specify the groups using one or more grouping variables. The unique values in the grouping variables define the groups that the corresponding values of the data variables belong to.
For example, the diagram shows a simple grouped calculation that splits a
6-by-1 numeric vector into two groups of data, calculates the mean of each
group, and then combines the outputs into a 2-by-1 numeric vector. The
6-by-1 grouping variable has two unique values, AB
You can specify grouping variables that have numbers, text, dates and times, categories, or bins.
Extended Capabilities
Tall Arrays
Calculate with arrays that have more rows than fit in memory.
function supports tall arrays with the following usage
notes and limitations:
input must always return a tall array.Supported name-value arguments are:
— Value cannot be a function handle.OutputFormat
— Value can be"uniform"
, or"cell"
When the input array is a tall timetable and
, the specified function must return an array with the same size in the first dimension as the input. SpecifyOutputFormat
when the input function is a reduction function such asmean
For more information, see Tall Arrays.
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.
Usage notes and limitations:
The function handle input,
, must be constant.While function handles can be inputs to
itself, they cannot be inputs to your entry point functions. Specifyfunc
within the code meant for code generation. For more information, see Function Handle Limitations for Code Generation (MATLAB Coder).The values for all name-value arguments must be constant.
The values of the
name-value arguments do not support pattern expressions.The
name-value argument is not supported for code generation.Variable-size input arguments are not supported.
Grouping variables cannot have duplicate values in generated code.
You cannot specify
if you specify theGroupingVariables
name-value argument and the function returns a different data type for each variable specified byInputVariables
.If the input is a timetable and you specify
, then the output is always an irregular timetable.If you specify groups and the number of groups is not known at compile time, and that number is zero, then empty double variables in the output might have sizes of 1-by-0 in generated code. In MATLAB, such variables have sizes of 0-by-0.
Thread-Based Environment
Run code in the background using MATLAB® backgroundPool
or accelerate code with Parallel Computing Toolbox™ ThreadPool
Version History
Introduced in R2013bR2023a: Match output data type to input data type by specifying the
name-value argument as
To return an output whose data type matches the data type of the input, specify
the OutputFormat
name-value argument as
. This value is the default value.
See Also
| cellfun
| structfun
| arrayfun
| findgroups
| splitapply
| groupsummary
| convertvars
| vartype
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