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Push Button Control with 74HC165 Shift Register

This example shows how to use the MATLAB® Support Package for Arduino® Hardware to collect large number of push button states with a 74HC165 8-bit parallel-in-serial-out shift register. This example uses four push buttons.

Hardware Requirements

  • Arduino board

  • Four push buttons

  • 74HC165 8-bit parallel-in-serial-out shift register

  • Four 10K ohm resistors

  • Breadboard and wires

Hardware Setup

Connect push buttons and 74HC165 shift registers to Arduino hardware:

  • Connect Vcc pin on 74HC165 to 5V pin on Arduino hardware.

  • Connect GND pin on 74HC165 to GND pin on Arduino hardware.

  • Connect Q7 pin on 74HC165 to digital pin 11 on Arduino hardware.

  • Connect CP pin on 74HC165 to digital pin 8 on Arduino hardware.

  • Connect PL pin on 74HC165 to digital pin 9 on Arduino hardware.

  • Connect CE pin on 74HC165 to digital pin 10 on Arduino hardware.

  • Connect a push button to pin D0, D4, D5 and D7 on 74HC165 with a pull down resistor to GND as shown below.

  • Connect pin D1, D2, D3 and D6 on 74HC165 to GND pin on Arduino hardware.

Create Shift Register Object

Create an arduino object, and include the ShiftRegister library.

   a = arduino('COM4','Uno','Libraries','ShiftRegister')
Updating server code on board Uno (COM4). This may take a few minutes.
a = 
  arduino with properties:

                  Port: 'COM4'
                 Board: 'Uno'
         AvailablePins: {'D2-D13', 'A0-A5'}
  AvailableDigitalPins: {'D2-D13', 'A0-A5'}
      AvailablePWMPins: {'D3', 'D5-D6', 'D9-D11'}
   AvailableAnalogPins: {'A0-A5'}
    AvailableI2CBusIDs: [0]
             Libraries: {'ShiftRegister'}

Create shift register object, specifying the connected data pin, clock pin, load pin, and clock enable pin.

   dataPin = 'D11';
   clockPin = 'D8';
   loadPin = 'D9';
   clockEnablePin = 'D10';
   register = shiftRegister(a,'74HC165',dataPin,clockPin,loadPin,clockEnablePin)
register = 
  ShiftRegister with properties:

           Model: '74HC165'      
         DataPin: 'D11'          
        ClockPin: 'D8'           
         LoadPin: 'D9'           
  ClockEnablePin: 'D10'          

Read Push Button States

Monitor the states of the four push buttons, and print out a message if at least one button is pressed,

    states = read(register, 8);
    pressedButtons = find(states == 1)-1;
    if ~isempty(pressedButtons)
        bitsStr = num2str(pressedButtons, '%d ');
        disp(['Push button(s) connected to bit ', bitsStr, ' is pressed']);
Push button(s) connected to bit 0 4 5 7 is pressed

Clean Up

When the connection is no longer needed, clear the shift register and arduino object.

  clear register a