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Edit, Save, or Delete a Style Sheet

Edit a Style Sheet

To edit a style sheet:

  1. In Report Explorer, select a report setup file in the Outline pane on the left.

  2. From the menu bar, click Tools > Edit Style Sheet.

The Report Explorer displays as follows.

  • The Outline pane on the left displays the structure of style sheets you create.

  • The Options pane in the middle lists style sheets available for customizing.


    Double-click a category to collapse it. Double-click it again to expand it.

  • The Properties pane on the right shows properties of style sheets, such as name and description.

Report Explorer with Properties pane on the right showing the properties of style sheets

You can use the Report Explorer to work with style sheets as follows.

TaskPane to UseAction
Create a style sheetProperties Click the link that corresponds to the kind of style sheet you want to create
Open an existing style sheet Properties Click the name of the style sheet, which appear in the Open Style Sheets area
Select a style sheet to use for converting an XML source fileOptionsSelect a style sheet by clicking on it
View a list of customized styles in a style sheetOutlineExpand any open style sheet
View a list of styles in a style sheetOutline or
Double-click the style sheet
View a list of style sheets available for editing in a given categoryOptions Double-click the folder that corresponds to the kind of output you want (that is, HTML, PDF, RTF, or Word)
View open style sheets OutlineExpand the Style Sheet Editor item in Report Explorer
Change the name or description of the current style sheetPropertiesEdit the text in the Display Name or Description field.
Convert an XML source file using the current style sheetPropertiesClick Send to Source File Converter in the Properties pane.
Edit customized style dataPropertiesClick the style data item, which appears in the Style Sheet Customizations area
Open a style data item for editing or viewingOptionsDouble-click the data item that you want to edit.
View a list of customized style data OutlineExpand the style sheet

Save a Style Sheet

You must save a style sheet before you can use it to convert a source file or associate it with a report. To use the Report Explorer to save a style sheet:

  1. Select the style sheet that you want to save in the Outline pane on the left.

  2. Select File > Save As from the menu bar and specify a new name for the style sheet (to avoid overwriting built-in style sheets). You must save the file in a folder in your MATLAB® path for the style sheet to appear in the Report Explorer. The file name must be unique in the MATLAB path.

    By convention, MATLAB Report Generator™ style sheets have .rgs as their file name extension.

Delete a Style Sheet

To use the Report Explorer to delete a style sheet that you created:

  1. Select the style sheet that you want to delete in the Outline pane on the left.

  2. Click the style sheet to delete from the Options pane in the middle.

  3. Click Delete style sheet in the style sheet's Properties pane on the right.

You must restart the MATLAB software session for deleted style sheets to disappear from the Options pane.


You cannot delete built-in style sheets.

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