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addkineticlaw (reaction)

Create kinetic law object and add to reaction object


kineticlawObj = addkineticlaw(reactionObj, 'KineticLawNameValue')
kineticlawObj= addkineticlaw(..., 'PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...)


reactionObjReaction object. Enter a variable name for a reaction object.
KineticLawNameValueProperty to select the type of kinetic law object to create. For built-in kinetic law, valid values are:

'Unknown', 'MassAction', 'Henri-Michaelis-Menten', 'Henri-Michaelis-Menten-Reversible', 'Hill-Kinetics', 'Iso-Uni-Uni', 'Ordered-Bi-Bi', 'Ping-Pong-Bi-Bi', 'Competitive-Inhibition', 'NonCompetitive-Inhibition', and 'UnCompetitive-Inhibition'.

Find valid KineticLawNameValue by using sbioroot to create a SimBiology® root object, then query the object with the commands rootObj.BuiltinLibrary.KineticLaws and rootObj.UserDefinedLibrary.KineticLaws.

sbiowhos -kineticlaw lists kinetic laws in the SimBiology root, which includes kinetic laws from both the BuiltInLibrary and the UserDefinedLibrary.


kineticlawObj = addkineticlaw(reactionObj, 'KineticLawNameValue') creates and adds a KineticLaw object to the reactionObj.

In the kinetic law object, this method assigns a name (KineticLawNameValue) to the property KineticLawName and assigns the reaction object to the property Parent. In the reaction object, this method assigns the kinetic law object to the property KineticLaw.

modelObj = sbiomodel('cell');
reactionObj = addreaction(modelObj, 'a -> b');
kineticlawObj = addkineticlaw(reactionObj, 'MassAction');
parameterObj = addparameter(kineticlawObj, 'K1_forward', 0.1);
set(kineticlawObj, ParameterVariableName, 'K1_forward');

KineticLawNameValue is any valid kinetic law definition. See Kinetic Law Definition for a definition of kinetic laws and more information about how they are used to get the reaction rate expression.

kineticlawObj= addkineticlaw(..., 'PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...) constructs a kinetic law object, kineticlawObj, and configures kineticlawObj with property value pairs. The property name/property value pairs can be in any format supported by the function set. The kineticlawObj properties are listed in Property Summary.


To define a Hill kinetic rate equation with a non-integer exponent that is compatible with DimensionalAnalysis, see Define a Custom Hill Kinetic Law that Works with Dimensional Analysis.

Property Summary

Properties for kinetic law objects

NotesHTML text describing SimBiology object
TypeDisplay SimBiology object type
UserDataSpecify data to associate with object


collapse all

This example shows how to simulate the conversion of a substrate into a product using the Henri-Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics.

Create a model named mymodel.

model = sbiomodel('mymodel');

Add a reaction that represents the conversion of a substrate to a product.

reaction = addreaction(model,'Substrate -> Product');

Add the built-in Henri-Michaelis-Menten kinetic law to the reaction.

kineticLaw = addkineticlaw(reaction,'Henri-Michaelis-Menten');
ans = 
'Vm*S/(Km + S)'

The kinetic law has two parameters and a species that you need to define. View these parameters.

ans = 2x1 cell

ans = 1x1 cell array

To define the parameters, create two parameter objects and set parameter values.

Vm_param = addparameter(kineticLaw,'Vm_param','Value',6.0);
Km_param = addparameter(kineticLaw,'Km_param','Value',1.25);

Map the parameters accordingly by setting the ParameterVariableNames property. This associates the parameters in the expression with the two parameters you just created using a one-to-one mapping in the order given.

kineticLaw.ParameterVariableNames = {'Vm_param','Km_param'};

Also associate the Substrate species with the species S in the expression.

kineticLaw.SpeciesVariableNames = {'Substrate'};

Verify the mapping by looking at the reaction rate and checking the parameters and species are correctly substituted according to the expression.

ans = 

Enter the initial amount of the substrate species for simulation.

model.Species(1).InitialAmount  = 8;

Simulate the model and plot results.

simdata  = sbiosimulate(model);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title States versus Time, xlabel Time, ylabel States contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Substrate, Product.

Version History

Introduced in R2006a

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