Main Content

Questa pagina si riferisce alla release precedente. La corrispondente pagina in inglese è stata rimossa nella release attuale.


Preparare il modello per la connessione hardware e aggiungere blocchi per supportare i protocolli hardware


ButtonDetect status of EV3 brick button
Color SensorDetect color, reflected light, or ambient light using EV3 brick
DisplayDisplay label and integer on EV3 display
EncoderMeasure incremental position and direction of motor connected to EV3 brick
Gyro SensorMeasure rate of rotation of gyro sensor connected to EV3 brick
Infrared SensorDetect button status on LEGO remote infrared beacon, measure beacon proximity and heading, and measure object proximity using infrared sensor connected to EV3 brick
MotorControl power and direction of EV3 motor
SpeakerPlay tune from EV3 speaker
Status LightControl status light on EV3 brick
Touch SensorDetect status of EV3 brick touch sensor
Ultrasonic SensorMeasure distance between ultrasonic sensor connected to EV3 brick and nearest object
TCP/IP ReceiveReceive data over TCP/IP network from remote host
TCP/IP SendSend data over TCP/IP network to another remote host
UDP ReceiveReceive UDP packets from another UDP host on an Internet network
UDP SendSend UDP packets to another UDP host on Internet network
BatteryMeasure voltage level of battery in EV3 brick
TimerMeasure elapsed time from timer in EV3 brick
NXT Touch SensorDetect status of EV3 brick NXT touch sensor
NXT Ultrasonic SensorMeasure distance between NXT ultrasonic sensor connected to EV3 brick and nearest object
NXT Gyro SensorMeasure rate of rotation of NXT gyro sensor connected to EV3 brick
NXT Sound SensorMeasure surrounding sound levels using NXT sound sensor connected to EV3 brick
Pixy2 Vision SensorRepresent connected CMUcam5 Pixy2 vision sensor and tracks object (color blob) (Da R2020a)
I2C Register ReadController device reads data from the I2C peripheral device or I2C peripheral device register(s) (Da R2020b)



Esempi in primo piano