Simulink.sdi.constraints.MatchesSignal Class
Namespace: Simulink.sdi.constraints
Superclasses: matlab.unittest.constraints.Constraint
Constraint that compares time series data with tolerances using the Simulation Data Inspector
Use the Simulink.sdi.constraints.MatchesSignal
constraint to compare
time series data against an expected value as part of a test. You can configure the constraint
to use a combination of absolute, relative, and time tolerance values for the comparison. You
can also specify additional options to configure the comparison behavior using a Simulink.sdi.constraints.MatchesSignalOptions
object or using one or more name-value pair
arguments. For more information about how tolerances and alignment options affect
comparisons, see How the Simulation Data Inspector Compares Data.
The MatchesSignal
constraint uses the Simulation Data Inspector to perform comparisons
and requires a license for one of these products:
Signal Processing Toolbox™
MATLAB® Coder™
Fixed-Point Designer™
creates a constraint that determines
whether time series data representing an actual value matches the data specified by the
expected value, expVal.
creates a constraint with additional properties
specified by one or more expVal
pair arguments.
Input Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: 'IgnoringDataTypes',true
— Constraint behavior when data types do not match
(default) | true
Configure constraint sensitivity to the actual value having a different data type from the expected value.
— The constraint checks whether the expected value and actual value data types match.true
— The constraint is insensitive to data type mismatches between the expected value and actual value.
Example: 'IgnoringDataTypes',true
— Constraint behavior when signals do not align
(default) | true
Configure constraint sensitivity to one or more signals not aligning between the expected value and actual value.
— The constraint checks for signals that do not align between the expected value and actual value.true
— The constraint is insensitive to one or more signals not aligning between the expected value and actual value.
Example: 'IgnoringSignalsNotAligned',true
— Constraint behavior when the actual value covers a different time interval from the expected value
(default) | true
Configure the constraint sensitivity to the actual value containing data outside of the time interval defined by the expected value.
— The constraint checks whether the actual value contains data outside the time interval defined by the expected value.true
— The constraint is insensitive to the actual value containing data outside the time interval defined by the expected value.
Example: 'IgnoringExtraData',true
— Signal alignment criteria
string array
Alignment criteria for the comparison. When the expected value contains more than one signal, the Simulation Data Inspector comparison algorithm aligns signals for comparison between the expected and actual values. By default, the Simulation Data Inspector aligns by data source, then by block path, then by SID, and then by signal name. For details about the Simulation Data Inspector alignment algorithm, see How the Simulation Data Inspector Compares Data.
Specify alignment criteria as a string array with one or more of these options listed in the order in which you want them considered:
— The path to the source block for the signal.SID
— Automatically assigned Simulink identifier.SignalName
— The name of the signal.DataSource
— Path of the variable.
Example: 'AligningBy',["SignalName","BlockPath"]
signal alignment by signal name and then by block path.
— Expected value to use as the baseline for the comparison
time series data | string scalar | character array
Expected value to use as the baseline for the comparison. The data for the expected
value must pair data values with time. The data can be in any format supported by the
Simulation Data Inspector. The Simulation Data Inspector requires data in a format that
associates sample values with time. Supported formats include
, Structure with time
, and
You can specify the expected value for the constraint using a variable in the workspace that contains the data or by specifying the full path or file name of a file that contains the data, as a string scalar or a character array.
GetAccess | public |
SetAccess | immutable |
— Constraint comparison configuration options
object that specifies options
to configure the comparison for the constraint. By default, the comparison uses the
default alignment settings for the Simulation Data Inspector and has strict acceptance
criteria, meaning that the comparison does not ignore any checks. You can use the
property to configure how the constraint
aligns signals in the expected and actual runs and whether tests using the constraint
are sensitive to:
The actual value having a different data type from the expected value.
One or more signals not aligning between the expected and actual runs.
The actual value containing data outside the time interval defined by the expected value.
You can specify the MatchesSignalOptions
property for the
constraint using individual name-value pair
arguments or using the name-value pair 'WithOptions'
with a
object as the value. When
you specify the MatchesSignalOptions
property using a
object, you can use a single name-value pair to
configure all the options for comparisons that use the constraint.
GetAccess | public |
SetAccess | immutable |
Data Types: Simulink.sdi.constraints.MatchesSignalOptions
— Absolute tolerance for comparison
0 (default) | scalar
Absolute tolerance for comparisons using the constraint. For details about how the Simulation Data Inspector uses tolerance values in comparisons, see How the Simulation Data Inspector Compares Data.
Example: 0.1
Example: 2
GetAccess | public |
SetAccess | immutable |
Data Types: double
— Relative tolerance for comparison
0 (default) | scalar
Relative tolerance for comparisons using the constraint. For example, specify
to use a 10% tolerance for the comparison. For details about
how the Simulation Data Inspector uses tolerance values in comparisons, see How the Simulation Data Inspector Compares Data.
Example: 0.05
GetAccess | public |
SetAccess | immutable |
Data Types: double
— Time tolerance for comparison
0 (default) | scalar
Time tolerance for comparisons using the constraint, in seconds. For details about how the Simulation Data Inspector uses tolerance values in comparisons, see How the Simulation Data Inspector Compares Data.
Example: 0.001
GetAccess | public |
SetAccess | immutable |
Data Types: double
Create Tests for Time Series Comparisons
This example shows how to use the Simulink.sdi.constraints.MatchesSignal
constraint to compare time series data using data generated in the workspace. You can use the MatchesSignal
constraint to compare data from many sources, including measured test data in a file and logged simulation outputs.
When you use the MatchesSignal
constraint, you can specify absolute, relative, and time tolerances to use in the comparison. The MatchesSignal
constraint uses the Simulation Data Inspector comparison algorithm, which includes steps for alignment and synchronization. For more information about the algorithm, see How the Simulation Data Inspector Compares Data.
The MatchesSignal
constraint uses the Simulation Data Inspector for the time series comparison and requires one of these products:
Signal Processing Toolbox™
Fixed-Point Designer™
Create Time Series Data
This example generates workspace data in timeseries
format for illustrative purposes only. You can use the MatchesSignal
constraint to compare data from other sources, such as simulation outputs or a file containing test data, and the constraint can compare time series data in any format supported by the Simulation Data Inspector.
In this example, the first signal is a timeseries
object containing data for a sine wave with the name Wave Data
time = 0:0.1:20;
sig1vals = sin(2*pi/5*time);
sig1_ts = timeseries(sig1vals,time);
sig1_ts.Name = 'Wave Data';
The second signal is also a sine wave at the same frequency, with a slight attenuation and sampled at a different rate. Because the comparison algorithm for the MatchesSignal
constraint includes a synchronization step, comparing these two signals with different time vectors does not always result in a test failure. The second signal is also named Wave Data
so the alignment algorithm can pair the signals for comparison.
time2 = 0:0.05:20;
sig2vals = 0.98*sin(2*pi/5*time2);
sig2_ts = timeseries(sig2vals,time2);
sig2_ts.Name = 'Wave Data';
Create a Test Case and Compare the Signals
This example uses an interactive test for illustrative purposes. You can use the MatchesSignal
constraint with other types of unit tests in the MATLAB testing framework. For example, to write class-based unit tests, see Write Simple Test Case Using Classes.
Create a TestCase
instance for interactive use.
import matlab.unittest.TestCase
testCase = TestCase.forInteractiveUse;
Compare sig1_ts
and sig2_ts
using the MatchesSignal
constraint. Use sig1_ts
for the expected value in the instance of the MatchesSignal
import Simulink.sdi.constraints.MatchesSignal
Verification failed. --------------------- Framework Diagnostic: --------------------- MatchesSignal(<Value>) failed. --> The following aligned signals did not match: Name ActualSignals ExpectedSignals _________ _____________ _______________ Wave Data <Actual>.Data <Expected>.Data Comparison results have been saved to: --> /tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_1374955/comparisonResults_83815058-0856-46d0-b72d-c0e686e5fed9.mldatx ------------------ Stack Information: ------------------ In /tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_1374955/tp7208942c/simulink-ex22803619/TestTimeSeriesDataWithTimeToleranceExample.mlx (TestTimeSeriesDataWithTimeToleranceExample) at 14 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/toolbox/matlab/codetools/embeddedoutputs/+matlab/+internal/+editor/evaluateRegions.p (evaluateRegions) at 0 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/toolbox/matlab/codetools/embeddedoutputs/+matlab/+internal/+editor/EvaluationOutputsService.p (EvaluationOutputsService.evalRegions) at 0 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/toolbox/matlab/codetools/+matlab/+internal/+liveeditor/@LiveEditorUtilities/execute.m (execute) at 85 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/tools/examples/exampletools/+mwtools/liveCodeToDocbook.m (doRun) at 452 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/tools/examples/exampletools/+mwtools/liveCodeToDocbook.m (doRunConvert) at 367 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/tools/examples/exampletools/+mwtools/liveCodeToDocbook.m (liveCodeToDocbook) at 153 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/matlab/tools/build_using_matlab/BML.m (BML) at 13
The diagnostic information shows that the verification failed. When a test fails, the comparison results and original run data are saved in a Simulation Data Inspector session file. Click the link for the MLDATX file to open the session in the Simulation Data Inspector, where you can investigate the data compared by the test and the comparison results. When you inspect the results, you can see the attenuation creates the difference and causes the comparison to fail.
Specify an absolute tolerance of 0.02
for the instance of the MatchesSignal
constraint to use in the comparison.
Verification passed.
Configure MatchesSignal
Constraint Behavior
This example shows how to configure the comparison behavior of a Simulink.sdi.constraints.MatchesSignal
constraint using a Simulink.sdi.constraints.MatchesSignalOptions
object. You can use a MatchesSignalOptions
object to configure multiple comparison properties with a single name-value pair input in the construction of the MatchesSignal
Create Time Series Data
This example creates workspace data to use for illustrative purposes only. You can use the MatchesSignal
constraint to compare data from other sources, such as simulation outputs or a file containing test data, and the constraint can compare time series data in any format supported by the Simulation Data Inspector.
In this example, the first signal is a timeseries
object with the name Wave Data
that contains data for a sine wave.
time = 0:0.1:20;
sig1vals = sin(2*pi/5*time);
sig1_ts = timeseries(sig1vals,time);
sig1_ts.Name = 'Wave Data';
The second signal is also a sine wave at the same frequency, with a slight attenuation and sampled at a different rate. Because the comparison algorithm for the MatchesSignal
constraint includes a synchronization step, comparing these two signals with different time vectors does not necessarily result in a test failure. The second signal is cast to single
data type and also named Wave Data
so the alignment algorithm can pair the signals for comparison.
time2 = 0:0.1:22;
sig2vals = single(0.98*sin(2*pi/5*time2));
sig2_ts = timeseries(sig2vals,time2);
sig2_ts.Name = 'Wave Data';
Configure a MatchesSignal
Instance and Compare the Data
You can use a MatchesSignalOptions
object to specify how an instance of the MatchesSignal
constraint handles conditions such as mismatched data types and how signals are aligned between the actual and expected data sets. You can specify the properties of the MatchesSignalOptions
object to suit the test you want to write. For example, if you want your test to compare data of varying types and a data type match is not functionally relevant, you could set the IgnoreDataTypes
property to true
Create a MatchesSignalOptions
object to create a MatchesSignal
instance that ignores data type mismatches and data samples outside the time interval the actual and expected signals share.
import Simulink.sdi.constraints.MatchesSignalOptions opts = MatchesSignalOptions('IgnoringDataTypes',true,'IgnoringExtraData',true);
Create a TestCase
instance for interactive use and compare sig1_ts
and sig2_ts
using the MatchesSignal
constraint, the MatchesSignalOptions
object, and an absolute tolerance of 0.02
import matlab.unittest.TestCase testCase = TestCase.forInteractiveUse; import Simulink.sdi.constraints.MatchesSignal testCase.verifyThat(sig2_ts,MatchesSignal(sig1_ts,'AbsTol',0.02,'WithOptions',opts))
Verification passed.
The test passes. When you run the same test again without the options defined by the MatchesSignalOptions
object, the test fails due to the mismatched data types.
Verification failed. --------------------- Framework Diagnostic: --------------------- MatchesSignal(<Value>,'AbsTol',0.02) failed. --> Data types do not match for the following aligned signals: Name ActualSignals ActualDataType ExpectedSignals ExpectedDataType _________ _____________ ______________ _______________ ________________ Wave Data <Actual>.Data single <Expected>.Data double ------------------ Stack Information: ------------------ In /tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_1376333/tpc29d0b3c/simulink-ex71177165/ConfigureMatchesSignalConstraintBehaviorExample.mlx (ConfigureMatchesSignalConstraintBehaviorExample) at 16 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/toolbox/matlab/codetools/embeddedoutputs/+matlab/+internal/+editor/evaluateRegions.p (evaluateRegions) at 0 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/toolbox/matlab/codetools/embeddedoutputs/+matlab/+internal/+editor/EvaluationOutputsService.p (EvaluationOutputsService.evalRegions) at 0 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/toolbox/matlab/codetools/+matlab/+internal/+liveeditor/@LiveEditorUtilities/execute.m (execute) at 85 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/tools/examples/exampletools/+mwtools/liveCodeToDocbook.m (doRun) at 452 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/tools/examples/exampletools/+mwtools/liveCodeToDocbook.m (doRunConvert) at 367 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/runnable/matlab/tools/examples/exampletools/+mwtools/liveCodeToDocbook.m (liveCodeToDocbook) at 153 In /mathworks/devel/bat/filer/batfs2566-0/Bdoc24b.2855429/build/matlab/tools/build_using_matlab/BML.m (BML) at 13
Version History
Introduced in R2019aR2020a: Enhanced diagnostic information
Starting in R2020a, when a test that uses the Simulink.sdi.constraints.MatchesSignal
constraint fails, the diagnostic
information provides a path and link to a Simulation Data Inspector session file that
includes the comparison results and the original data compared by the test. Open the session
file to inspect the data and comparison results in the Simulation Data Inspector.
In previous releases, the diagnostic information included a path and link to a static image of the comparison results. The diagnostic information no longer includes the image.
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