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View a Virtual World in Stereoscopic Vision

You can view a virtual world using 3D effects, so that elements in the virtual world appear to come forward or back from the plane of the monitor.

You can use stereoscopic vision with these Simulink® 3D Animation™ components:

  • 3D World Editor

  • Simulink 3D Animation™ Viewer

  • 3D Animation Player

  • vr.canvas on a figure window

  • Orbisnap

Simulink 3D Animation supports two stereoscopic vision approaches:

  • Anaglyph — Use red/cyan 3D glasses. Viewing a virtual world in this mode causes the colors to appear as almost grayscale. This approach does not require any special computer hardware or software.

  • Active stereo — Use active shutter 3D glasses. This approach preserves color effects and produces more powerful 3D effects. Active stereo requires a specially configured computer and monitor setup. For details, see Active Stereoscopic Vision Configuration.

Enable Stereoscopic Vision

By default, virtual worlds display without stereoscopic vision effects.

  1. Right-click in the virtual world.

  2. From the Rendering > Stereo 3D menu, select either Anaglyph or Active.


To enable stereoscopic vision by default, set the Simulink 3D Animation Figure > Rendering > Stereo 3D preference to anaglyph or active.

Control Stereoscopic Effects

You can control the following stereoscopic effects interactively or using preferences.

Stereo 3D EffectDescriptionKeyboard ShortcutFigure > Rendering Preference

Camera offset

Distance between the two points of view (cameras) that produce the 3D effect. The higher the offset, the further apart the cameras are, and thus the deeper the 3D effect.

Shift+K increases the offset.

Shift+J decreases the offset.

Stereo 3D Camera Offset

The default value is 0.1.

Horizontal image translation (HIT)

The horizontal relationship of the two stereo images. By default, the background image is at zero and the foreground image appears to pop out from the monitor toward the person viewing the virtual world.

You can specify a value from 0 through 1, inclusive. The larger the value, the further back the background appears to be.

Shift+O increases the distance back for the background image.

Shift+P decreases the distance back for the background image.

Stereo 3D Horizontal Image Translation

The default value is 0.

You can also control the camera offset and horizontal image translation programmatically, using vr.canvas, vrfigure, and vr.utils.stereo3d. If you use a vr.utils.stereo3d object, you can also control the color filters for the left and right cameras.

See Also


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