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padv.builtin.task.DetectDesignErrors Class

Namespace: padv.builtin.task
Superclasses: padv.Task

Task for detecting design errors with Simulink Design Verifier


This class requires CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check.

The padv.builtin.task.DetectDesignErrors class provides a task that can detect design errors in your models by using Simulink® Design Verifier™. Design error detection can identify dead logic, integer overflow, division by zero, and violations of design properties and assertions. By default, the DetectDesignErrors task outputs a design error detection report and data file.

You can add the task to your process model by using the method addTask. After you add the task to your process model, you can run the task from the Process Advisor app or by using the function runprocess.

To view the source code for this built-in task, in the MATLAB® Command Window, enter:

open padv.builtin.task.DetectDesignErrors

The padv.builtin.task.DetectDesignErrors class is a handle class.



task = padv.builtin.task.DetectDesignErrors() creates a task for detecting design errors with Simulink Design Verifier.


task = padv.builtin.task.DetectDesignErrors(Name=Value) sets certain properties using one or more name-value arguments. For example, task = padv.builtin.task.DetectDesignErrors(Name = "MyDetectDesignErrors") creates a task with the specified name.

You can use this syntax to set property values for InputQueries, Name, IterationQuery, InputDependencyQuery, Licenses, LaunchToolAction, and LaunchToolText.

The padv.builtin.task.DetectDesignErrors class also has other properties, but you cannot set those properties during task creation.



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The DetectDesignErrors class inherits properties from padv.Task. The properties listed in Specialized Inherited Properties are padv.Task properties that the DetectDesignErrors task overrides.

The task also has properties for specifying Simulink Design Verifier Options for creating a design verification options object by using sldvoptions (Simulink Design Verifier) and generating a report by using sldvreport (Simulink Design Verifier).

Specialized Inherited Properties

Unique identifier for task in process, specified as a string.

Example: "MyDetectDesignErrors"

Data Types: string

Human-readable name that appears in Process Advisor app, specified as a string.

Example: "Detect Run-Time Errors"

Data Types: string

Task description, specified as a string.

When you point to a task in Process Advisor and click the information icon, the tooltip shows the task description.

Example: "This task uses Simulink Design Verifier to detect design errors or dead logic for your models."

Data Types: string

Path to task documentation, specified as a string.

When you point to a task in Process Advisor, click the ellipsis (...), and click Help, Process Advisor opens the task documentation.

Example: fullfile(pwd,"taskHelpFiles","myTaskDocumentation.pdf")

Data Types: string

Type of artifact, specified as one or more of the values listed in this table. To specify multiple values, use an array.

CategoryArtifact TypeDescription


"m_class"MATLAB class
"m_file"MATLAB file
"m_func"MATLAB function
"m_method"MATLAB class method
"m_property"MATLAB class property

Model Advisor

"ma_config_file"Model Advisor configuration file
"ma_justification_file"Model Advisor justification file

Process Advisor


Related artifacts that current artifact depends on


Process Advisor output file


"project"Current project file


"mwreq_file"Requirement file (since R2024b)
"mwreq_item"Requirement (since R2024b)


Requirement (for R2024a and earlier)
"sl_req_file"Requirement file (for R2024a and earlier)
"sl_req_table"Requirements Table


"sf_chart"Stateflow chart
"sf_graphical_fcn"Stateflow graphical function
"sf_group"Stateflow group
"sf_state"Stateflow state
"sf_state_transition_chart"Stateflow state transition chart
"sf_truth_table"Stateflow truth table


"sl_block_diagram"Block diagram
"sl_data_dictionary_file"Data dictionary file
"sl_embedded_matlab_fcn"MATLAB function
"sl_block_diagram"Block diagram
"sl_library_file"Library file
"sl_model_file"Simulink model file
"sl_protected_model_file"Protected Simulink model file
"sl_subsystem_file"Subsystem file

System Composer™

"zc_block_diagram"System Composer architecture
"zc_component"System Composer architecture component
"zc_file"System Composer architecture file
Tests"harness_info_file"Harness info file
"sl_harness_block_diagram"Harness block diagram
"sl_harness_file"Test harness file
"sl_test_case"Simulink Test™ case
"sl_test_case_result"Simulink Test case result
"sl_test_file"Simulink Test file
"sl_test_iteration"Simulink Test iteration
"sl_test_iteration_result"Simulink Test iteration result
"sl_test_report_file"Simulink Test result report
"sl_test_result_file"Simulink Test result file
"sl_test_resultset"Simulink Test result set
"sl_test_seq"Test Sequence
"sl_test_suite"Simulink Test suite
"sl_test_suite_result"Simulink Test suite result

Example: "sl_model_file"

Example: ["sl_model_file "zc_file"]

Query that finds the artifacts that the task iterates over, specified as a padv.Query object or the name of a padv.Query object. When you specify IterationQuery, the task runs one time for each artifact returned by the query. In the Process Advisor app, the artifacts returned by IterationQuery appear under task title.

For more information about task iterations, see Overview of Process Model.

Query that finds artifact dependencies for task inputs, specified as a padv.Query object or the name of a padv.Query object.

The build system runs the query specified by InputDependencyQuery to find the dependencies for the task inputs, since those dependencies can impact if task results are up-to-date.

For more information about task inputs, see Overview of Process Model.

Example: padv.builtin.query.GetDependentArtifacts

List of licenses that the task requires, specified as a string.

Data Types: string

Function that launches a tool, specified as the function handle.

When you point to a task in the Process Advisor app, you can click the ellipsis (...) to see more options. For built-in tasks, you have the option to launch a tool associated with the task.

For the task DetectDesignErrors, you can launch the Design Verifier app.

Data Types: function_handle

Description of the action that the LaunchToolAction property performs, specified as a string.

Data Types: string

Inputs to the task, specified as:

  • a padv.Query object

  • the name of padv.Query object

  • an array of padv.Query objects

  • an array of names of padv.Query objects

By default, the task DetectDesignErrors gets the current model that the task is iterating over by using the built-in query padv.builtin.query.GetIterationArtifact.

Location for standard task outputs, specified as a string.

The built-in tasks use tokens, like $DEFAULTOUTPUTDIR$, as placeholders for dynamic path resolution during run-time. For more information, see Dynamically Resolve Paths with Tokens.

Data Types: string

Simulink Design Verifier Options

Folder and or file name for the MAT-file that contains the data generated during the analysis, specified as a string. The data is stored in an sldvData structure.

The built-in tasks use tokens, like $ITERATIONARTIFACT$, as placeholders for dynamic path resolution during run-time. For more information, see Dynamically Resolve Paths with Tokens.

Example: "myModel_sldvdata"

Data Types: string

Check that the intermediate and output signals in models are within the range of specified minimum and maximum constraints, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "on"

Analyze models for active logic, specified as "on" or "off". Note that this parameter is enabled only if DetectDeadLogic is "on".

Example: "on"

Analyze models for block input range violations, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "on"

Analyze models for dead logic, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "on"

Analyze models for division-by-zero errors, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "off"

Analyze models for data store access violations, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "on"

Check the usage of rem and reciprocal operations that cause non-finite results, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "off"

Check the usage of Square Root (Sqrt) operations with inputs that can be negative, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "off"

Check the usage of log and log10 operations that cause non-finite results, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "off"

Check the usage of Reciprocal Square Root (rSqrt) blocks with inputs that can go zero or negative, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "off"

Analyze models for non-finite and NaN floating-point values, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "on"

Analyze models for integer and fixed-point data overflow errors, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "off"

Analyze models for out of bounds array access errors, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "off"

Analyze models for subnormal floating-point values, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "on"

After analysis, display the report that Simulink Design Verifier generates, specified as "on" or "off".

Example: "on"

Generate design error detection report, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

Example: false

Data Types: logical

Maximum time (in seconds) that Simulink Design Verifier spends analyzing a model, specified as a double.

Example: 120

Data Types: double

Options for the generated report, specified as "summary", "objectives", "objects", or a combination of these options in an array.

Example: "summary"

Format of the generated report, specified as either:

  • "HTML" — HTML format

  • "PDF" — PDF format

Example: "PDF"

Folder and or file name for the analysis report, specified as a string.

The built-in tasks use tokens, like $DEFAULTOUTPUTDIR$, as placeholders for dynamic path resolution during run-time. For more information, see Dynamically Resolve Paths with Tokens.

Example: "myModel_report"

Data Types: string

Display messages in the log window, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When ShowUI is specified as 0, messages appear in the MATLAB Command Window.

Example: true

Data Types: logical


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Add a task that can detect design errors by using Simulink Design Verifier.

Open the process model for your project. If you do not have a process model, open the Process Advisor app to automatically create a process model.

In the process model file, add the DetectDesignErrors task to your process model by using the addTask method.

dedObj = pm.addTask(padv.builtin.task.DetectDesignErrors);

You can reconfigure the task behavior by using the task properties. For example, to detect dead logic:

dedObj.DetectDeadLogic = "on";