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Properties of linearization I/Os and operating points




get(ob) displays all properties and corresponding values of the object, ob, which can be a linearization I/O object, an operating point object, or an operating point specification object. Create ob using findop, getlinio, linio, operpoint, or operspec.

get(ob,'PropertyName') returns the value of the property, PropertyName, within the object, ob. The object, ob, can be a linearization I/O object, an operating point object, or an operating point specification object. Create ob using findop, getlinio, linio, operpoint, or operspec.

ob.PropertyName is an alternative notation for displaying the value of the property, PropertyName, of the object, ob. The object, ob, can be a linearization I/O object, an operating point object, or an operating point specification object. Create ob using findop, getlinio, linio, operpoint, or operspec.


Create an operating point object, op, for the Simulink® model, magball.


Get a list of all object properties using the get function with the object name as the only input.


This returns the properties of op and their current values.

     Model: 'magball'
     States: [5x1 opcond.StatePoint]
     Inputs: [0x1 double]
       Time: 0
    Version: 2

To view the value of a particular property of op, supply the property name as an argument to get. For example, to view the name of the model associated with the operating point object, type:


which returns

V =

Because op is a structure, you can also view any properties or fields using dot-notation, as in this example.


This notation returns a vector of objects containing information about the states in the operating point.

(1.) magball/Controller/PID Controller/Filter
      x: 0            
(2.) magball/Controller/PID Controller/Integrator
      x: 14           
(3.) magball/Magnetic Ball Plant/Current
      x: 7            
(4.) magball/Magnetic Ball Plant/dhdt
      x: 0            
(5.) magball/Magnetic Ball Plant/height
      x: 0.05

Use get to view details of W. For example:



ans =


Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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