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Design Verifier Pane: Report

Report Pane Overview

Specify options that control how Simulink® Design Verifier™ reports its results.

See Also

Generate report of the results

Generate and save a Simulink Design Verifier report.


Default: Off


Saves the HTML report that Simulink Design Verifier generates.


Does not generate a Simulink Design Verifier report.


This parameter enables the following parameters:

  • Generate additional report in PDF format

  • Report file name

  • Include screen shots of properties

  • Display report

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVSaveReport
Type: character array
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'off'

See Also

Generate additional report in PDF format

Save an additional PDF version of the Simulink Design Verifier report.


Default: Off


Saves an additional PDF version of the Simulink Design Verifier report.


Does not save an additional PDF version of the Simulink Design Verifier report.


This parameter is enabled by Generate report of the results.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVReportPDFFormat
Type: character array
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'off'

See Also

Report file name

Specify a folder and file name for the report that Simulink Design Verifier analysis generates.


Default: $ModelName$_report

  • Optionally, enter a path that is either absolute or relative to the path name specified in Output folder.

  • Enter a file name for the report that the analysis generates.

  • $ModelName$ is a token that represents the model name.


This parameter is enabled by Generate report of the results.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVReportFileName
Type: character array
Value: any valid path and file name
Default: '$ModelName$_report'

See Also

Include screen shots of properties

Includes screen shots of properties in the Simulink Design Verifier report. Only valid in property-proving mode.


Default: Off


Includes screen shots of properties in the Simulink Design Verifier report. Only valid in property-proving mode.


Does not include screen shots of properties in the Simulink Design Verifier report.


This parameter is enabled by Generate report of the results in the Reports pane and Generate separate harness model after analysis in the Results pane.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVReportIncludeGraphics
Type: character array
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'off'

See Also

Display report

Display the report that the Simulink Design Verifier analysis generates after completing its analysis.


Default: On


Displays the report that the analysis generates after completing its analysis.


Does not display the report that the analysis generates after completing its analysis.


This parameter is enabled by Generate report of the results.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: DVDisplayReport
Type: character array
Value: 'on' | 'off'
Default: 'on'

See Also

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