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Memory IIO Read

Read from a shared memory region into simulation model

Since R2023a

Add-On Required: This feature requires the SoC Blockset Support Package for AMD FPGA and SoC Devices add-on.

  • Memory IIO Read block

SoC Blockset Support Package for AMD FPGA and SoC Devices / Common / Host I/O


The Memory IIO Read block performs random-access read transactions from DDR memory in the connected Xilinx® SoC device to a running Simulink® model on the host computer. This block enables low-latency high-throughput data transmission between your simulation model and the DDR memory on the SoC device.

The Memory IIO Read block receives data from the DDR memory on the SoC device to the host computer. This block uses the Industrial I/O (IIO) library driver to create a network server daemon on the SoC device and client host computer to pass the data to the host computer running the simulated portion of the model. This diagram shows the connection between the FPGA, DDR memory, and communication bridge to the running Simulink model.

Memory IIO Read diagram



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This port outputs the data vector received from the memory.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | ufix128


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The offset of the memory address from the base address of the IP core on the device. The block reads data from this address.


To enable this port, select Enable address offset port.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | ufix128


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Enter the name and channel of the IP core on the FPGA as a colon-separated list.


If you are using HDL Coder™ to generate the IP core, HDL Coder maps the IP core to mwipcore0 and uses channel sharedmem0:rd0.

Select this parameter to use the address offset from a port.

  • On — The Address offset parameter is disabled, and an addr input port is created.

  • Off — The Address offset parameter is enabled.

Enter the offset of the memory from the base address of the IP core on the device. The block reads data from this address.


If you use HDL Coder to generate the IP core, you can get the value of the address offset from the “Register Address Mapping” section of Custom IP Core Report (HDL Coder). For more information, see Register Address Mapping (HDL Coder).


To enable this parameter, clear the Enable address offset port parameter.

Enter the network address of the connected SoC device.


Specify the maximum timeout delay for the memory read.

Select the data type used by the IP core on the device.

Enter the size of the data vector to be read from the memory.

The signal data output by the Memory IIO Read block polls directly from the IP core using AXI4-Lite protocol. The Sample time parameter value or the base rate of the subsystem specifies the polling rate of the memory.

When the host computer is connected to a board, and this parameter is on, this block reads data directly from the board. When you use this parameter in a simulation environment, clear the parameter to enable simulation without error due to lack of IIO connection. When you clear this parameter, the data that the data output port displays does not reflect actual data.


To get a list of available IIO device names and channels, open a terminal to the Xilinx Zynq® device, and execute this command: iio_info. This display shows the sample output from the iio_info command.

command line info from iio_info

Version History

Introduced in R2023a