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Alpha-Beta-Zero to dq0, dq0 to Alpha-Beta-Zero

Perform transformation from αβ0 stationary reference frame to dq0 rotating reference frame or the inverse

  • Alpha-Beta-Zero to dq0, dq0 to Alpha-Beta-Zero block

Simscape / Electrical / Specialized Power Systems / Control


The Alpha-Beta-Zero to dq0 block performs a transformation of αβ0 Clarke components in a fixed reference frame to dq0 Park components in a rotating reference frame.

The dq0 to Alpha-Beta-Zero block performs a transformation of dq0 Park components in a rotating reference frame to αβ0 Clarke components in a fixed reference frame.

The block supports the two conventions used in the literature for Park transformation:

  • Rotating frame aligned with A axis at t = 0. This type of Park transformation is also known as the cosine-based Park transformation.

  • Rotating frame aligned 90 degrees behind A axis. This type of Park transformation is also known as the sine-based Park transformation. Use it in Simscape™ Electrical™ Specialized Power Systems models of three-phase synchronous and asynchronous machines.

Knowing that the position of the rotating frame is given by ω.t (where ω represents the frame rotation speed), the αβ0 to dq0 transformation performs a −(ω.t) rotation on the space vector Us = uα + j· uβ. The homopolar or zero-sequence component remains unchanged.

Depending on the frame alignment at t = 0, the dq0 components are deduced from αβ0 components as follows:

When the rotating frame is aligned with A axis, the following relations are obtained:


The inverse transformation is given by


When the rotating frame is aligned 90 degrees behind A axis, the following relations are obtained:


The inverse transformation is given by


The abc-to-Alpha-Beta-Zero transformation applied to a set of balanced three-phase sinusoidal quantities ua, ub, uc produces a space vector Us whose uα and uβ coordinates in a fixed reference frame vary sinusoidally with time. In contrast, the abc-to-dq0 transformation (Park transformation) applied to a set of balanced three-phase sinusoidal quantities ua, ub, uc produces a space vector Us whose ud and uq coordinates in a dq rotating reference frame stay constant.


The power_Transformations example shows various uses of blocks performing Clarke and Park transformations.



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Vectorized αβ0 signal.

Vectorized dq0 signal.


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The angular position, in radians, of the dq rotating frame relative to the stationary frame.


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To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.

Alignment of the rotating frame, when wt = 0, of the dq0 components of a three-phase balanced signal:

ua=sin(ωt); ub=sin(ωt2π3); uc=sin(ωt+2π3)

(positive-sequence magnitude = 1.0 pu; phase angle = 0 degree)

When you select Aligned with phase A axis, the dq0 components are d = 0, q = −1, and zero = 0.

When you select 90 degrees behind phase A axis, the default option, the dq0 components are d = 1, q = 0, and zero = 0.

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Version History

Introduced in R2013a

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