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Parameterize ideal semiconductor block from Hitachi or Infineon XML file

Since R2021b


Hitachi Devices

ee_importDeviceParameters(file,"hitachi",blockPath) extracts the parameters from a datasheet in a format Hitachi supports for a diode, insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), or metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). It imports the parameters into a Simscape™ block at the specified blockPath. The XML file must be on the MATLAB® path. This syntax supports these blocks:

For examples of Hitachi datasheets for IGBT and diode devices, see the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) and diode modules with SPT, SPT+, SPT++ and TSPT+ chips page on the Hitachi website.


Infineon Devices

ee_importDeviceParameters(file,"infineon",blockPath,GateResistanceOn=Rgon) extracts the parameters from a datasheet in a format that Infineon® supports for a diode with the switch-on gate resistance value specified by Rgon. It imports the parameters into a Diode block at the specified blockPath. The XML file must be on the MATLAB path (since R2024b).

ee_importDeviceParameters(file,"infineon",blockPath,GateResistanceOn=Rgon,GateResistanceOff=Rgoff) extracts the parameters from a datasheet for an IGBT with the switch-on and switch-off gate resistance values specified by Rgon and Rgoff. It imports the parameters into a Simscape block at the specified blockPath. The XML file must be on the MATLAB path. This syntax supports these blocks:

For examples of Infineon datasheets for IGBT devices, see the IGBTs – Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors page on the Infineon website.

Additional Options

ee_importDeviceParameters(___,Verbose=true) also enables warnings about unused fields in the XML file.

ee_importDeviceParameters(___,Verbose=false) also disables warnings about unused fields in the XML file.


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Choose the block you want to import the parameters into. Open a model that contains an IGBT (Ideal, Switching) block.


Edit the ee_import_igbt_device_parameters_data.xml file to inspect the content.

edit ImportIGBTFromHitachiData.xml 

Click the IGBT (Ideal, Switching) block and then call the ee_importDeviceParameters function.


Input Arguments

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Name of the XML file that you want to import and extract the parameters from.

To parameterize a Diode, IGBT (Ideal, Switching), or MOSFET (Ideal, Switching) block, specify file as a case-sensitive string.

To parameterize a Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block, specify file as a cell array {file1,file2} where file1 and file2 are case-sensitive strings. file1 is the XML file that parameterizes the switching devices, which must be IGBTs or MOSFETs. file2 is the XML file that parameterizes the integral protection diodes (since R2024b).

Example: ee_importDeviceParameters("ImportIGBTFromHitachiData.xml","hitachi",gcb) parameterizes the IGBT (Ideal, Switching) block you click in your model with data in the format that Hitachi supports from the ImportIGBTFromHitachiData.xml file.

Example: ee_importDeviceParameters({"ImportIGBTFromHitachiData.xml","ImportDiodeFromHitachiData.xml"},"hitachi",gcb) parameterizes the Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block you click in your model with data in the format that Hitachi supports. The function uses ImportIGBTFromHitachiData.xml to import parameters for the switching devices and ImportDiodeFromHitachiData.xml to import parameters for the integral protection diodes.

Block path of the Diode, IGBT (Ideal, Switching), MOSFET (Ideal, Switching), or Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block that you want to import the parameter values into.

Since R2024a

Switch-on gate resistance for the Infineon device, specified in ohms.

For the Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block, Rgon represents the switch-on gate resistance of the switching devices, which must be IGBTs, and the integral protection diodes.

You can use this argument only if you specify the "infineon" input argument.

Since R2024a

Switch-off gate resistance for an Infineon IGBT, specified in ohms. The function uses this value to parameterize an IGBT (Ideal, Switching) block or to import parameters for the switching devices into a Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block.

You can use this argument only if you specify the "infineon" input argument.

Option to enable warnings about unused fields in the XML file when you use this function, specified as true or false.


  • Infineon and Hitachi datasheets do not specify values for every parameter of the blocks that this function supports. If the datasheet does not provide a value, the function uses the default block parameter values and appends % Parameter not set to the value. If you simulate a model that you parameterize using the ee_importDeviceParameters function and you do not obtain the expected results, tune these parameters to get better agreement with your data.

  • To parameterize an IGBT or MOSFET with a protection diode, model the diode externally. Call the ee_importDeviceParameters function twice; once to parameterize an IGBT (Ideal, Switching) or MOSFET (Ideal, Switching) block and once to parameterize a Diode block.

  • To parameterize a half-bridge with protection diodes, model the diodes internally in the Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block. Call the ee_importDeviceParameters function once to parameterize the switching devices and the integral protection diodes.

  • Infineon and Hitachi format XML files provide information that you can use to parameterize ideal switching device models with tabulated switching losses and a thermal model. Use the ee_importDeviceParameters function when you make these modeling assumptions:

    • Tabulated on-state I-V curve

    • No charge model

    • Tabulated switching losses

    • Junction and case thermal model

    If you want to change these modeling assumptions, use a different method to parameterize the block. For more information about modeling assumptions and parameterization methods, see Choose Blocks to Model Semiconductor Devices.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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