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Import Infineon XML Datasheets into Simscape Half-Bridge Block

Since R2024b

This example shows how to import device parameters from Infineon® datasheets for IGBTs and diodes into a Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block.

The Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block uses ideal switching for fast simulation. You can optionally draw the requisite power due to switching losses from the electrical supply.

Model Overview

Open the model and specify the block path.

modelName = "ImportInfineonPartsIntoHalfBridge";
blockPath = modelName + "/HalfBridge";

Screenshot 2024-05-13 140258.png

Import Device Parameters

Choose appropriate XML files to import device parameters into the Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block.

switchingDeviceFile = "AIKQ200N75CP2_igbt.xml";
diodeFile = "AIKQ200N75CP2_diode.xml";

To import device parameters from Infineon datasheets, specify the switch-on and switch-off gate resistance values. The values must fall within the range the datasheets specify. You can open the datasheets to find minimum and maximum values.

gateResistanceOn = 9;
gateResistanceOff = 10;

Use the ee_importDeviceParameters function to import device parameters from the XML files into the block.



Observe the annotations under the Half-Bridge (Ideal, Switching) block after the parameterization.


If the datasheet does not provide a value, the function automatically assigns these parameters their default block parameter values and appends % Parameter not set to the value. Check for block parameters that contain % Parameter not set.

This table shows some of the block parameters.

Block Parameter

Parameter Value

Data Source

Off-state conductance

1e-06 % Parameter not set

Default value

Temperature vector for losses, Tj

[25 100 150 175]

IGBT datasheet

Junction temperatures, Tj

[25 175]

Diode datasheet

offConductance = get_param(blockPath,"Goff");
temperatureVector = get_param(blockPath,"igbt_Tj_loss");
junctionTemperature = get_param(blockPath,"diode_TjVec");

Simulation Results

Simulate the model.


Plot the voltage, current, conduction losses, and switching losses for upper switching device and lower diode.


Figure ImportInfineonPartsIntoHalfBridge contains 4 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Voltage Versus Time, ylabel Voltage (V) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Upper Switching Device Voltage, Lower Diode Voltage. Axes object 2 with title Current Versus Time, ylabel Current (A) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Upper Switching Device Current, Lower Diode Current. Axes object 3 with title Conduction Losses Versus Time, ylabel Losses (W) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Upper Switching Device Conduction Losses, Lower Diode Conduction Losses. Axes object 4 with title Switching Losses and Reverse Recovery Losses Versus Time, xlabel Time (s), ylabel Accumulated \newline losses (J) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Upper Switching Device Accumulated Switching Losses, Lower Diode Accumulated Reverse Recovery Losses.

See Also


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