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Ultracapacitor with Converter

This example shows how to use a DC-DC converter to maintain a constant load voltage when drawing power from an ultracapacitor. The converter supplies power to the load and the capacitor voltage drops. The protection circuit disconnects the load when the capacitor voltage drops below a threshold value of 4V. At 10 seconds, the generator turns on, supplies power to the load and charges back the capacitor.


Low Charge Protection Circuit Subsystem

Simulation Results from Simscape Logging

This plot shows the voltage that the DC-DC converter and the generator supply to the resistive load. A low charge protection circuit disconnects the load when the ultracapacitor voltage drops below 4V. At 10 seconds the generator turns on, supplying power to the load and charging the ultracapacitor.

Results from Real-Time Simulation

This example was tested on a Speedgoat Performance real-time target machine with an Intel® 3.5 GHz i7 multi-core CPU. This model can run in real time with a step size of 50 microseconds.

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