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External Mode

Allows you to do external mode settings for your model.

Communication interface

Select the type of communication interface to run your model in external mode.

Default: XCP on Serial

  • XCP on Serial

  • XCP on CAN

SCI module

Select the serial communication interface module.

By default SCI_A module is selected for Controlcard and Launchpads. For custom boards, select other serial modules to connect to FTDI.

Serial port in MATLAB preferences

Lists the COM port entries available in the device manager and saved COM port in MATLAB preferences of the target hardware. You can select the required COM port from the drop-down.

The COM port value will be saved as MATLAB preference for a given target instead of model. For example, if you choose a same target for a new model, the serial port saved in MATLAB preferences will be selected automatically.

Click refresh to see the latest value serial port value stored in MATLAB preference for the given hardware board and updated list of serial ports available from device manager.

You can also set the serial port in MATLAB preferences for the given hardware board using the MATLAB command:

codertarget.tic2000.setSerialPortPreferences(Hardware board, CPU value, Serial port)
Here CPU value is optional argument.

To know the COM port used by the target hardware on your computer, see Serial Configuration for External Mode and PIL.

Host interface

Select the interface through which the host computer communicates to target hardware for signal monitoring and parameter tuning. This parameter supports only Third party calibration tools as host interface.

CAN module

Select the CAN module to be used with external mode.

CAN vendor

Enter the CAN vendor for the CAN module. Use the Vehicle Network Toolbox function canChannelList() to get values for CAN vendor. In the MATLAB command window, type canChannelList() and press enter.

CAN device

Enter the CAN device for the CAN module. Use the Vehicle Network Toolbox function canChannelList() to get values for CAN device. In the MATLAB command window, type canChannelList() and press enter.

CAN channel number

Enter the CAN channel number for the CAN module. Use the Vehicle Network Toolbox function canChannelList() to get values for CAN channel number. In the MATLAB command window, type canChannelList() and press enter.

CAN ID Command

Enter the CAN ID Command for the CAN module.

CAN ID Response

Enter the CAN ID Response for the CAN module.

Rx mailbox number (0-31)

Enter the Rx mailbox number for the CAN module. This parameter supports integers from 0 to 31.

Tx mailbox number (0-31)

Enter the Tx mailbox number for the CAN module. This parameter supports integers from 0 to 31.

Extended CAN ID

Select this if you want to use extended ID.


Lists the new COM port entries available in your device manager.

Click refresh to see the latest value serial port value stored in MATLAB preference for the given hardware board and updated list of serial ports available from device manager.


Select this to view the external mode execution progress and updates in the Diagnostic Viewer or in the MATLAB command window.

Set logging buffer size automatically

Select this to automatically set the number of bytes to preallocate for the buffer in the hardware during simulation. By default, the Set logging buffer size automatically parameter is selected. If you clear this parameter, Logging buffer size (in bytes) parameter becomes available, where you can manually specify the memory buffer size for XCP-based External mode simulation..

Maximum number of contiguous samples

Specify a value for maximum number of contiguous samples parameter. This parameter dictates the maximum number of samples that can be filled in a single packet and the memory is allocated accordingly.

Use a dedicated timer to improve time stamp accuracy

Select this parameter to log hardware time data inside ISR at ISR trigger rate and idle task at trigger rate for XCP External mode for Serial and CAN.

  • On - Enabling this options results in data logging inside ISR at ISR trigger rate. You can analyze the log data in Dashboard blocks or Data Inspector but not in Scope or Display blocks.

  • Off - Disabling this options results in data logging inside ISR at base rate and can analyze data in Scope or Display blocks.

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