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draw picture with ezplot

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
xinyu il 24 Ott 2013
Risposto: sixwwwwww il 24 Ott 2013
Can I draw pictures with more than two variables with ezplot where only two variables are not constant. For example:
syms beta omega lambda Lambda rho
only rho and beta are not not constant.

Risposte (1)

sixwwwwww il 24 Ott 2013
Dear xinyu, yes you can plot as follows:
syms beta omega Lambda rho
rho = Lambda * omega + beta;
rho2 = subs(rho, [Lambda, omega], [2, 3]); % substitute values for Lambda and omega because they are constants
I hope it helps. Good luck!


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