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How create a random sequence

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
pizarro il 24 Nov 2013
Commentato: pizarro il 24 Nov 2013
Hi, I want to create a random sequence of 10 elements with values +- 2.How can i do it?
José Manuel.
  1 Commento
the cyclist
the cyclist il 24 Nov 2013
Do you want only values of -2 and 2, or continuous values uniformly in between, like -1.732 and 0.365?

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the cyclist
the cyclist il 24 Nov 2013
Modificato: the cyclist il 24 Nov 2013
Just -2 and 2:
R = 4*round(rand(1,10)) - 2;
R = 4*rand(1,10) - 2;
  1 Commento
pizarro il 24 Nov 2013
Thank you very much, I´m starting to study Matlab from myself.
José Manuel.

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