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Azzera filtri

Adding each row to previous row in a vector-Not Cumulative

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi , I've looked everywhere to find the solution for this but I couldn't find the answer. Here 's the problem. How to add each row in a vector with just the previous row? For example here is the process on this vector: A=[2 1 7 9 4] and the answer should be this vector: C=[3 8 16 13]
Thanks in advance.

Risposta accettata

Sukuchha il 20 Lug 2011
A=[2 1 7 9 4]; B = A(1:end-1)+diff(cumsum(A));
  1 Commento
Jan il 20 Lug 2011
diff(cumsum(A)) ?! An expensive method to get: A(2:end). But in addition there is the danger of rounding errors, e.g. diff(cumsum([1e16, 1, 5])) is [0, 4] ! Therefore I strongly recommend not to use this.

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Più risposte (3)

Jan il 20 Lug 2011
Easier and faster:
B = A(1:end-1) + A(2:end)
  2 Commenti
Sukuchha il 21 Lug 2011
Jan, your method is better ! i feel like stupid now ! I need to remember always solve problems in a simplier way !
Jan il 21 Lug 2011
@Sukuchha: Often a direct translation of the human language is helpful. You've formulated your algorithm very clear already: "add each row in a vector with just the previous row". So you did solve the biggest part of the problem already. Most of the questions in this forum are much less clear.

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Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva il 20 Lug 2011
or with a for loop
for x=2:size(A,2)

Hajik zagori
Hajik zagori il 20 Lug 2011
I used Sukuchha method and it worked.Thanks Sukuchha. But I should also thank Paulo Silva.

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