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Is it possible to obtain the script file for the fitlm function?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I need the script file for the fitlm, using the polyijk attribute, so that I can create my own modified function. Is that possible or should I necessarily use the one given by the Matlab statistics toolbox.

Risposta accettata

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski il 20 Mar 2014
edit fitlm
And since fitlm is just a wrapper around

Più risposte (1)

Shashank Prasanna
Shashank Prasanna il 20 Mar 2014
Modificato: Shashank Prasanna il 20 Mar 2014
It is not entirely clear what you are requesting but if you have fit a linear model using fitlm as follows:
mdl = fitlm(...)
You can access the model function this way:
If you want to use an custom polynomial function you can type it out:
y ~ 1 + x1^2 ... so on
If you want to use an arbitrary function i recommend fitnlm :
  2 Commenti
Gautam il 20 Mar 2014
Thanks for replying, but I was hoping to get the code for the function, not the function syntax.
Shashank Prasanna
Shashank Prasanna il 20 Mar 2014
Can you elaborate? its not very clear what you are asking for. What do you mean by code for the function? If it is code for fitlm, then see what Sean posted. If not please explain.

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