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How to use importfile when there is only one data in cell A1?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have an excel file named "Test1.xlsx" and there is only one data in cell A1.
I found the error messages when I use the following command
>> a = importfile('Test1.xlsx',1)
??? Error using ==> cellfun Input #2 expected to be a cell array, was char instead.
Error in ==> importfile at 33 data(cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && isnumeric(x) && isnan(x),data)) = {''};
When I add one more data to cell A2, this command works fine
>> a = importfile('Test1.xlsx',1)
Do you know how to use "importfile" when there is only one data in cell A1?
Thank you very much,

Risposte (1)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek il 2 Apr 2014
Modificato: Azzi Abdelmalek il 2 Apr 2014
You can use xlsread

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