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Azzera filtri

Why when I do the cumulative with retime, data don't change?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello everyone,
when I use retime for doing the cumulative, values remain the same. (If you see data in 'DATI_ECM_GIORNALIERI' and data in 'Cum_Giu' are exactly the same, despite I used "Cum_Giu = retime(table2timetable(DATIECMWFgiornalieri, 'RowTimes', DTv), 'daily', @(x)sum(x,1,'omitnan'))."
How can I solve this problem?
Thank you.
DTv = datetime(DATIECMWFgiornalieri{:,1:3})
Cum_Giu = retime(table2timetable(DATIECMWFgiornalieri, 'RowTimes', DTv), 'daily', @(x)sum(x,1,'omitnan'))
CTv = Cum_Giu.Properties.RowTimes;
yyaxis right
plot(CTv, Cum_Giu.SMB_mpmm, 'm', 'DisplayName','ECMWF');
yyaxis left
plot(C,NEW, 'DisplayName','AWS')
Ax = gca;
Ax.YAxis(2).Color = 'm';

Risposta accettata

Star Strider
Star Strider il 26 Ago 2021
It does not change because the rows are already daily values, and the retime call summarizes the data by daily values.
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