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Azzera filtri

Find average of an array for values > 0

22 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Cameron Bowyer
Cameron Bowyer il 12 Set 2021
Commentato: stozaki il 12 Set 2021
find average of array only for values > 0 and print using for loop and for where there is data (ie more than 0 values in the data)
i) sum of values
IF DATA > 0****** --> this is my main issue im stuck with
for i = 1:length(data)
sum = sum + data(i)
fprintf("%.2f\n", sum)
ii) average
if length(data) > 0
average = sum/ length(data)
fprintf("%.3f\n", average)

Risposte (1)

stozaki il 12 Set 2021
What about the following processing?
data = [1 2 10 -38 -7 2 8 10 -5 1 0 -5 37]; % example data
idx = find(data > 0); % Index of values greater than 0
result = mean(data(idx)); % average
  2 Commenti
Cameron Bowyer
Cameron Bowyer il 12 Set 2021
Thank you very much for the reply. I have to use for and if statements to come up with the answer for average I, umfortunately, cannot just do "mean(data)".
i really like the idea of the idx = find(data > 0); though and I will try that in my code now.
instead of calling this "idx" can i name it something like "data > 0" as it might be more appropriate?
stozaki il 12 Set 2021
If you use for and if statements, you can do the following:
data = [1 2 10 -38 -7 2 8 10 -5 1 0 -5 37]; % example data
temp = 0; % initialize temp
count = 0; % initialize count
for N = 1:length(data)
if data(N) > 0
temp = data(N) + temp;
count = count + 1;
% nop
average = temp/count
average = 8.8750

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