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1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Manav Divekar
Manav Divekar il 19 Ott 2021
Chiuso: Cris LaPierre il 20 Ott 2021
clear all
close all
C = readtable('G2_adult.txt', 'NumHeaderLines',8);
%Convert to SI Units
accG2test = C{:,1}.*9.81;
forceG2test = C{:,2}.*0.00981;
dispG2test = C{:,3}./1000;
% time = dispG2test./accG2test;
dispG2test2 = smoothdata(dispG2test, 'sgolay', 100);
% Valleys Of Smoothed Data
[Vlys,vlocs] = findpeaks(-dispG2test2, 'MinPeakProminence',0.5);
Vlys = [-dispG2test2(1); Vlys];
vlocs = [1;vlocs];
% Sampling Interval
Ts = 1;
t = 1:height(C);
plot(t, dispG2test2)
hold on
plot(t(vlocs), -Vlys, '+r')
hold off
for k = 1:numel(vlocs)-1
% Index Range For This Segment
idx{k} = vlocs(k):vlocs(k+1);
% Time Vector
tc{k} = t(idx{k});
% Signal Segment
sc{k} = forceG2test(idx{k});
% Maximum Segment Length
tcmax = max(cellfun(@numel,tc));
% Preallocate
ensb = zeros(tcmax,numel(idx));
for k = 1:numel(idx)
% Create 'Ensemble'
ensb(1:numel(idx{k}),k) = sc{k};
% Plot Ensemble
plot(1:tcmax, ensb)
title ('C:Diflection Vs Time (Cycles)');
Please Refer the attached .txt file for the data
  7 Commenti
Manav Divekar
Manav Divekar il 19 Ott 2021
I am sorry I accepted your answer, i forgot to click it.

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