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How to select which license to use

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Dan il 9 Ott 2014
Risposto: Andreas Goser il 10 Ott 2014
I have an individual Matlab license that I use for most of my work. Periodically I need some toolboxes that are not included with my license but are available with my company's concurrent license. Is there a way I can open Matlab and pick with license to use? Or even simply move/rename a license file as needed?
Kind Regards, Dan

Risposte (1)

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser il 10 Ott 2014
Side note: I assume both licenses are commercial licenses of your company.
You can use the MATLAB startup option -c to point to the license file you want to use. Remove/rename is not needed.
I recall there an article that describes a combination, but was unable to find it. The closest match is this article


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