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Three-Phase Transformer (Two Windings)

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Ralph Youngs
Ralph Youngs il 19 Ott 2014
Risposto: Sabin il 23 Dic 2022
There is an error in the winding's per unit parameter for Leakage Reactance. The mask documentation calls for Leakage Inductance in SI or per unit values. If the Leakage Reactance is expressed as Leakage Impedance per unit the results will be off by 2*pi*f, meaning that SimPowerSystems treats the per unit value input as Reactance (X) not Impedance (L). If the parameters are input in SI units the results are correct. Can TMW please clarify the differences and address the documentation of the parameters. In the documentation discussion of per unit values TMW presents a definition of per unit Inductance. Can TMW provide a reference for this definition and explain where it might be used?

Risposte (1)

Sabin il 23 Dic 2022
For more insight about the per-unit parameterization in transformers please check the documentation of the The Per Unit Conversion.

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