Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Filtering noise from an audio signal

29 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Abdullah Adam
Abdullah Adam il 11 Dic 2021
Commentato: Abdullah Adam il 17 Dic 2021
Hi, I've this file and I need to filter it and make it clear I used this code but the voice is still not clear
Can someine help please?
close all;
clear all;
a=fir1(n,f,'high'); % fir high pass filter
b=fir1(n,f,'low'); % fir law pass filter
[y,fs] =audioread ('noisy2_group2.wav'); % load asudio file
o=filter(a,1,y); % passing audio to designed high pass filter first
p=filter(b,1,o); % passing o to law pass filter
fvtool(p,1); % use to display designed fir filter
plot(y); % Orignal signal y
plot(p); % filter output
  6 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 11 Dic 2021
I certainly do not know what the real information is in the signal, so I cannot say anything about how to make it clearer.
I have not done much audio filtering, so I am not the best person to advise you.
Abdullah Adam
Abdullah Adam il 11 Dic 2021
Thanks for your help

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Risposte (1)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE il 13 Dic 2021
my recommendation : define the filters after you have analysed the data (see the spectrogram plot : most of the noise energy lies above 1000 Hz , so I set the cut off frequency of the low pass filter at 1500 hz as a compromise between noise removal vs keep speech intelligible)
here my "optimal" settings ussind a Butterworth high and low pass filters (the notch is not for your case very usefull)
hope it helps
option_notch = 0; % 0 = without notch filter , 1 = with notch filter
fc_notch = 50; % notch freq
option_LPF = 1; % 0 = without low pass filter , 1 = with low pass filter
fc_lpf = 1500; % LPF cut off freq
N_lpf = 2; % filter order
option_HPF = 1; % 0 = without high pass filter , 1 = with high pass filter
fc_hpf = 150; % HPF cut off freq
N_hpf = 2; % filter order
% load signal
[signal,Fs] = audioread('noisy2_group2.wav');
[samples,channels] = size(signal);
% create time vector
dt = 1/Fs;
time = (0:samples-1)*dt;
%% notch filter section %%%%%%
% y(n)=G*[x(n)-2*cos(w0)*x(n-1)+x(n-2)]+[2*p cos(w0)*y(n-1)-p^2 y(n-2)]
% this difference equation can be converted to IIR filter numerator /
% denominator
if option_notch ~= 0
w0 = 2*pi*fc_notch/Fs;
p = 0.995;
% digital notch (IIR)
num1z=[1 -2*cos(w0) 1];
den1z=[1 -2*p*cos(w0) p^2];
% now let's filter the signal
signal = filter(num1z,den1z,signal);
%% low pass filter section %%%%%%
if option_LPF ~= 0
w0_lpf = 2*fc_lpf/Fs;
% digital notch (IIR)
[b,a] = butter(N_lpf,w0_lpf);
% now let's filter the signal
signal = filter(b,a,signal);
%% high pass filter section %%%%%%
if option_HPF ~= 0
w0_hpf = 2*fc_hpf/Fs;
% digital notch (IIR)
[b,a] = butter(N_hpf,w0_hpf,'high');
% now let's filter the signal
signal = filter(b,a,signal);
% FFT parameters
NFFT = 512; %
OVERLAP = 0.75;
% spectrogram dB scale
spectrogram_dB_scale = 80; % dB range scale (means , the lowest displayed level is XX dB below the max level)
% options
% if you are dealing with acoustics, you may wish to have A weighted
% spectrums
% option_w = 0 : linear spectrum (no weighting dB (L) )
% option_w = 1 : A weighted spectrum (dB (A) )
option_w = 0;
%% decimate (if needed)
% NB : decim = 1 will do nothing (output = input)
decim = 1;
if decim>1
for ck = 1:channels
newsignal(:,ck) = decimate(signal(:,ck),decim);
Fs = Fs/decim;
signal = newsignal;
samples = length(signal);
time = (0:samples-1)*1/Fs;
%%%%%% legend structure %%%%%%%%
for ck = 1:channels
leg_str{ck} = ['Channel ' num2str(ck) ];
% display 1 : time domain plot
figure(1),plot(time,signal);grid on
title(['Time plot / Fs = ' num2str(Fs) ' Hz ']);
xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Amplitude');
% display 2 : averaged FFT spectrum
[freq, sensor_spectrum] = myfft_peak(signal,Fs,NFFT,OVERLAP);
% convert to dB scale (ref = 1)
sensor_spectrum_dB = 20*log10(sensor_spectrum);
% apply A weigthing if needed
if option_w == 1
pondA_dB = pondA_function(freq);
sensor_spectrum_dB = sensor_spectrum_dB+pondA_dB;
my_ylabel = ('Amplitude (dB (A))');
my_ylabel = ('Amplitude (dB (L))');
figure(2),plot(freq,sensor_spectrum_dB);grid on
df = freq(2)-freq(1); % frequency resolution
title(['Averaged FFT Spectrum / Fs = ' num2str(Fs) ' Hz / Delta f = ' num2str(df,3) ' Hz ']);
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');ylabel(my_ylabel);
% display 3 : time / frequency analysis : spectrogram demo
for ck = 1:channels
[sg,fsg,tsg] = specgram(signal(:,ck),NFFT,Fs,hanning(NFFT),floor(NFFT*OVERLAP));
% FFT normalisation and conversion amplitude from linear to dB (peak)
sg_dBpeak = 20*log10(abs(sg))+20*log10(2/length(fsg)); % NB : X=fft(x.*hanning(N))*4/N; % hanning only
% apply A weigthing if needed
if option_w == 1
pondA_dB = pondA_function(fsg);
sg_dBpeak = sg_dBpeak+(pondA_dB*ones(1,size(sg_dBpeak,2)));
my_title = ('Spectrogram (dB (A))');
my_title = ('Spectrogram (dB (L))');
% saturation of the dB range :
% saturation_dB = 60; % dB range scale (means , the lowest displayed level is XX dB below the max level)
min_disp_dB = round(max(max(sg_dBpeak))) - spectrogram_dB_scale;
sg_dBpeak(sg_dBpeak<min_disp_dB) = min_disp_dB;
% plots spectrogram
axis('xy');colorbar('vert');grid on
df = fsg(2)-fsg(1); % freq resolution
title([my_title ' / Fs = ' num2str(Fs) ' Hz / Delta f = ' num2str(df,3) ' Hz / Channel : ' num2str(ck)]);
xlabel('Time (s)');ylabel('Frequency (Hz)');
function pondA_dB = pondA_function(f)
% dB (A) weighting curve
n = ((12200^2*f.^4)./((f.^2+20.6^2).*(f.^2+12200^2).*sqrt(f.^2+107.7^2).*sqrt(f.^2+737.9^2)));
r = ((12200^2*1000.^4)./((1000.^2+20.6^2).*(1000.^2+12200^2).*sqrt(1000.^2+107.7^2).*sqrt(1000.^2+737.9^2))) * ones(size(f));
pondA = n./r;
pondA_dB = 20*log10(pondA(:));
function [freq_vector,fft_spectrum] = myfft_peak(signal, Fs, nfft, Overlap)
% FFT peak spectrum of signal (example sinus amplitude 1 = 0 dB after fft).
% Linear averaging
% signal - input signal,
% Fs - Sampling frequency (Hz).
% nfft - FFT window size
% Overlap - buffer percentage of overlap % (between 0 and 0.95)
[samples,channels] = size(signal);
% fill signal with zeros if its length is lower than nfft
if samples<nfft
s_tmp = zeros(nfft,channels);
s_tmp((1:samples),:) = signal;
signal = s_tmp;
samples = nfft;
% window : hanning
window = hanning(nfft);
window = window(:);
% compute fft with overlap
offset = fix((1-Overlap)*nfft);
spectnum = 1+ fix((samples-nfft)/offset); % Number of windows
% % for info is equivalent to :
% noverlap = Overlap*nfft;
% spectnum = fix((samples-noverlap)/(nfft-noverlap)); % Number of windows
% main loop
fft_spectrum = 0;
for i=1:spectnum
start = (i-1)*offset;
sw = signal((1+start):(start+nfft),:).*(window*ones(1,channels));
fft_spectrum = fft_spectrum + (abs(fft(sw))*4/nfft); % X=fft(x.*hanning(N))*4/N; % hanning only
fft_spectrum = fft_spectrum/spectnum; % to do linear averaging scaling
% one sidded fft spectrum % Select first half
if rem(nfft,2) % nfft odd
select = (1:(nfft+1)/2)';
select = (1:nfft/2+1)';
fft_spectrum = fft_spectrum(select,:);
freq_vector = (select - 1)*Fs/nfft;
  2 Commenti
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE il 17 Dic 2021
problem solved?
Abdullah Adam
Abdullah Adam il 17 Dic 2021
Sorry for the late reply, I'll check now

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