How to change mat files in each iteration?
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Hi. I am writing code which save output in mat file. I wanna it saves mat file that name changes to specific name with date and time of writing.tnx for e.g.:
Save doc3.mat matrix Convert to
Save doc3040620211407.mat matrix Which says this file has been creatwd in date 04/06/2021 in time of 14:07. Tnx
1 Commento
Risposta accettata
il 14 Dic 2021
You can try this:
file_name = 'doc3.mat';
file_name = [file_name(1:end-4) datestr(now(),'mmddyyyyhhMM') file_name(end-3:end)];
% then save mat file with name file_name
It wasn't clear from your example whether 04/06 means April 6 or 4 June, this command assumes the month is first. To do day first, swap the 'mm' and 'dd'.
7 Commenti
Image Analyst
il 14 Dic 2021
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