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Set mask parameter with a cell array using set_param
Here's a way to generate that C1 from that C C = {'a', 'b'}; C1 = strrep(strtrim(char(formattedDisplayText(C))),'} {',', ...
circa 8 ore fa | 0
plot stem in vertical position
x = linspace(-2*pi,2*pi,100); y = 4*pi*randn(1,100)-2*pi; % Set up figure properties: % Enlarge figure to full screen. %...
circa 14 ore fa | 0
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How to determine number of patients in the category
data_table = table([1;2;3;4;5;6],[24;26;25;28;27;26],["Underweight";"Optimal";"Obese";"Obese";"Obese";"Optimal"],["Low";"Normal"...
1 giorno fa | 1
Formatting Vectors using fprintf
R = [6640.441; 0; 0]; C = compose(' [ %8.3f km]',R); C{2}([1 3]) = 'R='; fprintf('%s\n',C{:});
2 giorni fa | 0
How to change values from negative to positive and vicer versa in a loop
clear, clc, close all % Distribution factor DF = [0.4444 0.5556 0.5714 0.4286]; % Starting bending moments M1 = (-25 + 2...
2 giorni fa | 1
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How to do combination of color in a single colorbar in a scatter plot?
Maybe something like this. load Data reds = brewermap([],'Reds'); green = [0 1 0]; blue = [0 0 1]; smax = max(s(:)); ...
4 giorni fa | 0
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Shifting the parallel lines
See below. close all; clear; % Load the Excel data filename = 'ThreeFaultModel_Modified.xlsx'; data = xlsread(filename, '...
4 giorni fa | 0
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I keep getting "Variable Ans3 has an incorrect value." for my code how can i fix this?
I believe that "AI" refers to the product of A and the (appropriately sized) identity matrix I. Similarly for "CI". See eye for...
5 giorni fa | 0
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help with nested loops
"If I fix the eps value the script will run fine over the range of temperatures but I would like to save time and be able to var...
5 giorni fa | 0
automate scatter markers colours in groups
"Can 'c' be automated?" Here is one way to automatically construct an n-by-3 matrix c with groups of repeated rows (colors), w...
6 giorni fa | 1
How to collate mutiple mat files based on their name?
% first, make some copies of that single mat file, % with different names, for demonstration: F = dir('*.mat'); copyfile(F(1...
6 giorni fa | 0
Is it possible to reduce this for loop into one line of code?
Ind1 = cellfun(@(X)any(ismissing(X),'all'), Headers); Headers(Ind1) = cellstr("Missing_header_"+find(Ind1));
7 giorni fa | 0
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How to plot stacked bar over stacked bar ?
Maybe something like this: load Data tmp = plot_data./sum(plot_data,2); tmp = reshape(flip(permute(tmp,[2 1 3]),1),[],size(...
7 giorni fa | 1
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Creating calculator with a UI and button function doesn't work as intended.
isequal(data_temp.(1)(i),lvldd.Value) lvldd.Value is a character vector. data_temp.(1)(i) is a (scalar) cell array. Those two...
8 giorni fa | 0
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Why are minor ticks not being added to my graph?
To get minor ticks on a datetime axis: In addition to setting the axis ruler's MinorTick property 'on', apparently you have to s...
9 giorni fa | 1
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plot graph according to matrix index
Changing a colon to a 1 means providing plot with a vector for x and a scalar for y (or vice versa). When you do that, one line ...
9 giorni fa | 0
How to assign a double value to a cell array?
Put curly braces {} around the -999, which makes the right-hand side of the assignment a scalar cell array: T1(missingIndices2)...
9 giorni fa | 1
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How can I use the function coeffs() as the input to the function tf()?
The error message states: "The values of the "Numerator" and "Denominator" properties must be row vectors or cell arrays of row...
9 giorni fa | 1
Plotting Data as Heatmap/Bar Graph Hybrid?
Something like this? % generate t and data Nt = 22e3; Nc = 8; t = linspace(0,1,Nt).'; data = zeros(Nt,Nc); t0 = 0.15; idx...
10 giorni fa | 1
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Make gca() responsive to appDesigner axes clicks
All you might have to do is to set the app's UIFigure's HandleVisibility to 'callback' (or 'on'), because gca() calls gcf() and ...
11 giorni fa | 2
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polyshape not closing a circle
Here's an example with 'Simplify', true (the default), where polyshape removes duplicate vertices: polyshape([0 0 1 2],[0 0 2 1...
12 giorni fa | 0
Shape file overlay on basemap
unzip('') figure gx=geoaxes; gx.MapCenterMode = "manual"; gx.MapCenter= [31.962299,-81.014213]; gx.Basemap ...
12 giorni fa | 0
How to calculate the period of the 6th wave in my data when I dont have the equation of the wave
load 20250123.mat time = data(:, 4); voltage = data(:, 5); [pks,peaklocs] = findpeaks(voltage,time); period = mean(diff(pe...
13 giorni fa | 0
Find values in array by meshgrid coordinate and assign to correct row in table without for loop
"XY is a table where each row has a X and Y coordinate of a meshgrid." I'll take that to mean that XY.x and XY.y are drawn from...
13 giorni fa | 1
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Using scatter with a custom colorbar
scatter(lat,lon,12,obs,'filled') colormap(c)
13 giorni fa | 0
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make patch white where there are NaNs
In this case, the patch's EdgeColor is 'none', so wherever the upper and lower patch bounds coincide, no edge is rendered and th...
14 giorni fa | 0
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How do you keep the graphs in a constant location in Matlab App Designer?
You can try specifying each (ui)axes InnerPosition, which excludes space for labels, tick labels, etc., rather than Position, ad...
14 giorni fa | 0
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Plot function for different values of two coupled variables
k4=0.15; a0=15; p0=0; m0=0; dt=1/60; T=60; time=0:dt:T; N=length(time); p=zeros(1,N); %placeholder output vector m=zero...
14 giorni fa | 0
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Polarhistorgram color by coordinate
Since histogram objects only support one FaceColor and one FaceAlpha value for all faces, it's necessary to create one histogram...
14 giorni fa | 0
Application widget: similar to a Tab container without tab label
"It should look like pretty similar to a Tabgroup widget but wihout tab labels" Do you want tabs with no labels, or do you want...
15 giorni fa | 0