Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Plot the result of findpeaks.

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Jonas Bender
Jonas Bender il 28 Dic 2021
Commentato: Jonas Bender il 3 Gen 2022
Dear all,
I captured human motion data of side-by-side walking in numerous data sets. The filtered data looks like that:
Now, I used the function findpeaks to find peaks and location of the filtered data and stored it in a struct.
for i = 1:numel (data)
[pks_1,locs_1] = findpeaks (data(i).filt_first_last_transposed (1,:)); % find peak and location
data(i).peaks_1 = pks_1; % store it into the struct 'data' with the field name peaks_1
data(i).locs_1 = locs_1; % see above
[pks_2,locs_2] = findpeaks (data(1).filt_first_last_transposed (2,:));
data(i).peaks_2 = pks_2;
data(i).locs_2 = locs_2;
I am struggling how to plot the filtered data including the identified pks. In doing so, I can inspect, if identified peaks are correct.
Any suggestions or an easier way to get results?
Regards, Jonas
  1 Commento
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 28 Dic 2021
Modificato: Image Analyst il 28 Dic 2021
You forgot to attach your data. Make it easy for us to help you, not hard.
Is your second curve supposed to be data(1) and not data(i)?

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 28 Dic 2021
Perhaps this:
for i = 1:numel (data)
% Find peaks for first column of the i'th data set.
col1 = data(i).filt_first_last_transposed (1,:);
[peakValues1, indexesOfPeaks1] = findpeaks(col1); % find peak and location
data(i).peaks_1 = peakValues1; % store it into the struct 'data' with the field name peaks_1
data(i).locs_1 = indexesOfPeaks1; % see above
% Plot them
hold off;
plot(col1, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
plot(indexesOfPeaks1, peakValues1, 'cv', 'MarkerSize', 15, 'LineWidth', 2)
% Find peaks for second column of the i'th data set.
col2 = data(i).filt_first_last_transposed (2,:);
[peakValues2, indexedOfPeaks2] = findpeaks(col2);
data(i).peaks_2 = peakValues2;
data(i).locs_2 = indexedOfPeaks2;
% Plot them
plot(col2, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
plot(indexesOfPeaks2, peakValues2, 'mv', 'MarkerSize', 15, 'LineWidth', 2)
If it doesn't work, attach data in a .mat file
save('answers.mat', 'data');
with the paperclip icon.
  1 Commento
Jonas Bender
Jonas Bender il 3 Gen 2022
Dear Mr/Mrs,
thanks for your helpful advice. It works perfectly.

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