Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

how to plot cell array giving the specific number of columns?

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
hello, i have this cell
and I want to plot every cell array but giving a number of columns. How can i do that?
thanks in advance!
  1 Commento
Guillaume il 13 Nov 2014
What do you mean by giving a number of columns? Do you just want to plot the first n columns of each array?
All on the same plot, or a plot for each cell array?
What sort of plot? If you just use plot on a matrix with 23 rows, you'll have 23 curves on your plot. Is that what you want?
You really need to give more information on what you want.

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the cyclist
the cyclist il 13 Nov 2014
You are not very specific in what you mean, but I'm guessing you want something like this:
nrow = 5;
ncol = 7;
for ncell = 1:15

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