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how to divide image into 16 block ?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
amal il 23 Gen 2015
Risposto: Mohammad Abouali il 23 Gen 2015
i want help in the implementation of divide image into block ?

Risposta accettata

Mohammad Abouali
Mohammad Abouali il 23 Gen 2015
Have you checked im2col()?
Let's say you want to divide your image into blocks of size M,N then something like this should work:
B = im2col(inputImage,[m n],'distinct');
since you want 16 blocks, so pretty much 4x4 blocks then
However, I have to ask you a question. Are you sure that it is necessary to divide your image into blocks? I would look into blockproc() and see if I can use that before dividing the image into blocks.

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