Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Sort elements from multidimensional array into 2D array?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
So I have a Multidimensional array S (115 x 90 x 64) and I need to form multple 64x1 arrays B. So for example, the first B is the first element in the 64 115x90 S array S(1,1,:). How would I go about doing this?
  3 Commenti
James Kosiol
James Kosiol il 9 Giu 2022
Sorry for the confusion, what im trying to achieve is basically this:
i = 1:64
B1 = S(1,1,i)
B2 = S(2,1,i)
B3 = S(3,1,i)
Bn = S(115,90,i)
resulting in many B 64x1 arrays
Abhijit Nayak
Abhijit Nayak il 9 Giu 2022
So, we need a way to extract the 2D matrix along z-axis and then save them separately.
Refer the following link for similar query and you can follow up the solution provided there.
Instead of saving it in different .csv files, you can store them simply in a 2D array.

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Risposta accettata

KSSV il 9 Giu 2022
S = rand(115, 90, 64) ;
B = squeeze(S(:,1,:)) ;
whos B
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes B 115x64 58880 double
  3 Commenti
KSSV il 9 Giu 2022
S = rand(115, 90, 64) ;
iwant = cell(115,90) ;
for i = 1:115
for j = 1:90
iwant{i,j} = squeeze(S(i,j,:)) ;

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