mapping image using pixel values

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Imran Riaz
Imran Riaz il 1 Ago 2022
Risposto: DGM il 8 Gen 2024
I have finger image; after cropping and masking I have now masked image. And there is the black area which shows no information; my task is to remapp the image into new pixel values image which have only information.
How can I do using matlab?
  4 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 1 Ago 2022
What should be displayed in the area that is currently black ?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 1 Ago 2022
You have pixels with information in them. The black pixels can be ignored. There is no need to crop them off or replace them with anything. It's just not necessary for whatever you want to do next. Besides, it's not possible to have a matrix with "ragged" edges - it must remain rectangular.

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Risposte (1)

DGM il 8 Gen 2024
This question is one in a long set of unclear questions which together likely form an XY problem.
This is a rough summary of a large portion of the set of given questions, with some examples.


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