yes, kind of. It would be a idpoly function which contains a parameter to describe the noise in the system. But, I guess its not working since the degree of the denominator (=2) is greater than the one of the numerator (=1) with a dead time of 0.
The function finverse didnt work. Do you have another idea maybe?
I understand that you are trying to invert an output error model with an idpoly function, where you can use the output data to predict the original input data.
Assuming you have the original output error (OE) model:
original_model = idpoly(...); % Define your original output error model
Generate simulated data: You need to get simulated output data from the original OE model.
% Simulate output data from the original model
simulated_output_data = sim(original_model, input_data); % Replace input_data with your input data
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