Get Lapalce transform from filter specifications

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Does exist a function that accept as input filter specification:
  • filter type: 'lowpass", "highpass"
  • passband cut-off frequency and attenuation
  • stopband cut-off frequency and attenuation
and outout Laplace coefficient of synthesized filter ?
Thanks in advance.

Risposta accettata

Star Strider
Star Strider il 6 Ott 2022
Not that I am aware of, however it would be relatively straightforward to create it —
Rp = 1;
Rs = 50;
[b,a] = ellip(5, Rp, Rs, 0.5, 's')
b = 1×6
0 0.0094 0.0000 0.0159 0.0000 0.0058
a = 1×6
1.0000 0.4637 0.4472 0.1339 0.0446 0.0058
H = tf(b,a) % Control System Toolbox
H = 0.009404 s^4 + 3.469e-19 s^3 + 0.01589 s^2 + 6.362e-19 s + 0.005787 ------------------------------------------------------------------- s^5 + 0.4637 s^4 + 0.4472 s^3 + 0.1339 s^2 + 0.04457 s + 0.005787 Continuous-time transfer function.
syms s
H = vpa(poly2sym(b,s)) / vpa(poly2sym(a,s)) % Symbolic Math Toolbox
H = 
Experiment to get the result you want.
  4 Commenti
Pavel il 6 Ott 2022
Spostato: Star Strider il 6 Ott 2022
Unless I misunderstood designfilt function, it seems that it's for digital filters, isn't it ?
For me the coefficients [a, b] it's Ok, I don't need Control/Symbolic toolboxes. My question was rather on another format of ellips function (as well as other approximations, e.g. "Buttherworth", "Bessel", etc) that allow design e.g. high-pass filter using 4 parameters, I mentionned Fs, Rs, Fp, Rp ... and not specifying filter order !
Star Strider
Star Strider il 6 Ott 2022
Modificato: Star Strider il 6 Ott 2022
It does, because most of the MATLAB filter functions design digital filters. You can use the inverse of the bilinear function (or the d2c function) to convert them to continuous time filters.
EDIT — (6 Oct 2022 at 21:46)
With respect to the order, all filters must have some sort of order defined. In MATLAB, this is done in a separate function, for example ellipord, buttord, and others for other filter types. The order is a function of the poles and zeros, and those are functions of the filter parameters that deifine the transition regions and passband and stopband attenuation, among others.

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