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Wavelets transforms to generate artificial time histories

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi, This is the background of the problem. I have some tiltmeters which measure the tilt of the wind turbine foundation. The sampling frequency of tiltmeter is 20 Hz. The time history of Angle vs time is non stationary. Here is what I need to accomplish 1. Collect the time history and denoise the signal. How can I do this? 2. The denoised signal collected belongs to particular wind class say Class B. I need to synthesize artificial time histories for Class A and Class C i.e different range of wind speeds. My preliminary understanding is that Fourier transforms cannot help me much in this case.I have read that wavelet analysis can help me do that. But I have no idea on how to do this? I am very new to the area of signal processing. How should look at my problem and what book/reference can help me achieve this? Please guide.Let me know if more information is needed. Thanks.

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