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Azzera filtri

Plotting an evelope between high and low price forecasting

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I am doing some price forecasting for a system and i wish to plot an envelope between the high and low forecasts. These change due to differences in the cost of generating electricity etc. I would like to plot the year on the x axis and profit on y with shading between the lines formed by the high and low estimates. Any help would be appreciated and i have attached my code so far. All data is imported from an excel spreadheet which can be attached if needed
clear all
close all
data = xlsread('Price_forecasting','B6:BO84');
y = data(:,1);%year
dlw = data(:,49);% Low profit of dairy with system
dcw = data(:,50);% Central Profit with system
dhw = data(:,51);% high Profit of dairy with system

Risposta accettata

Bora Eryilmaz
Bora Eryilmaz il 14 Dic 2022
Modificato: Bora Eryilmaz il 14 Dic 2022
high = rand(10,1) + 2;
low = rand(10,1);
med = (high+low) / 2;
year = (1:10)';
% Corners of the patch to paint.
[year; year(end); year(end:-1:1); year(1)], ...
[high; low(end); low(end:-1:1); high(1)], ...
hold on;
plot(year, med, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2)

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