Variable passed through function doesn't work

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Hello all,
I have a function where I am passing three different behaviors (drug, before drug, after drug).
function defining_parsing(subj, path, data_type, behavior)
%% loading data
all_folders = dir(fullfile(path, subj, '/dir/')); % loading all the dir folders
% Define the regular expressions for each behavior and ROI
if behavior == 'drug'
expression_behavior = [data_type, '.*', '(s2|s4|s6|s3)', '.*'];
elseif behavior == 'before drug'
expression_behavior = [data_type, '.*', '(w3|w2|w4|w|WA)', '.*'];
elseif behavior == 'after drug'
expression_behavior = [data_type, '.*', '(EO)', '.*'];
When I pass the variable outside of the function for the above I get the following error:
Arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation.
Error in defining_parsing (line 20)
if behavior == 'drug'
When I pass the the variable for behavior within the function, I do not get the error:
function defining_parsing(subj, path, data_type, roi, behavior)
behavior = 'drug'
%% loading data
all_folders = dir(fullfile(path, subj, '/dir/')); % loading all the dir folders
% Define the regular expressions for each behavior and ROI
if behavior == 'drug'
expression_behavior = [data_type, '.*', '(s2|s4|)', '.*'];
elseif behavior == 'before drug'
expression_behavior = [data_type, '.*', '(w3|w2|)', '.*'];
elseif behavior == 'after drug'
expression_behavior = [data_type, '.*', '(EO)', '.*'];
I have tried the following:
1) making sure that both the variable input to the function and the variable input with the function are the same (they are both char)
if ~ischar(behavior)
behavior = num2str(behavior);
2) making sure that there are no typos.
Do you have any suggestions? Thanks so much!
  6 Commenti
nines il 26 Gen 2023
final thing: how do i accept an answer? the accept button isn't coming up next to any of your names!
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang il 26 Gen 2023
Modificato: Fangjun Jiang il 26 Gen 2023
I moved the comment by @Dyuman Joshi to an Answer. You can accept it now.

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Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi il 26 Gen 2023
Spostato: Fangjun Jiang il 26 Gen 2023
How are you calling the function?
Also, Use strcmp or isequal to compare strings
behavior = 'drug'
behavior = 'drug'
ans = logical
ans = logical
You can also use switch here instead of if-else
switch behavior
case 'drug'
case 'before drug'
case 'after drug'
  1 Commento
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang il 26 Gen 2023
Modificato: Fangjun Jiang il 26 Gen 2023
This explains the root cause of the error message in the OP's question. When variable "behavior" takes the value of 'before drug' and it is compared to 'drug' in the If statement.
behavior='before drug';
Arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation.

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